Using a joystick with EVO

I bought a joystick on Saturday, at CompUSA, specifically, the MacAlly Airstick, and I've had a lot of fun with it. The best part about it is using the trigger to fire, instead of the keyboard, and using another button for the secondary. It takes about three or four hours of play, to really get the hang of the joystick, and there are some minor problems, such as landing, jumping, escorts, and other non-intuitive controls, and having to switch to the mouse to navigate in the spaceport and map, but overall, I think it adds a whole new level of realism to the game. So I was wondering, does anybody else use a joystick? And do you use the driver that came with the joystick, or another program such as USB Overdrive? I've been experimenting with both USB Overdrive, and the driver software that came with the Joystick, and I think that there is no difference, except that the driver software is more convenient.

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

I have a joystick, but I've never considered using it for EV/O (EV strikes me as more of a gamepad/keyboard type game) I'll have to try it some time (though I'm not sure if I can set my joystick up to do keys, rather then overidding the mouse) But isn't it confusing viewing your "plane" from the top?


I've had the MouseStick II for years now and I once tried to use it in EV, but it
a)has too few buttons, making it a hassle to switch back to the keyboard
b)is too inaccurate for anything but turrets to really aim

My joystick has 14 buttons, an anolog stick on top, and then 360 degrees of movement. 🙂

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.

I have one rule when it comes to a joystick: Leave me alone and I won't break you.

When it comes to playing EV, nothing is better then my keyboard.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Maybe you would want a joystick more if you had to use a cramped iMac keyboard that is slightly sticky.

Angel came down from heaven yesterday.


Originally posted by Jack:
**Maybe you would want a joystick more if you had to use a cramped iMac keyboard that is slightly sticky.


I know simply how to do that. Clean the kyeboard. As for being cramped, I've worked with powerbooks before.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain