Voith Bar

Voith, Solia, between Voinia and Sol, is a small system of one planet (habitable) with hyperspace links to both Sol and Voinia. as both humans and Voinans fight over this system to have immediate access to the opposition's homeworld, the human-Voinan war is breaking away from various treaties, and there is all sorts of chaos in the system. Down on the planet, a neutral alien of an undefined race, Mirrorman, has created a bar for anyone who finds it enjoyable to be right in the middle of a titanic war.

1. .... uhh, I don't know...
2. See Rule #1
3. Total anarchy, I guess
4. Oh, yeah. I, the bartender, reserve the right to
a. appoint people to different and various bar jobs, such as assistant bartender
b. add people to the ALT list
c. drink anything I want without paying. Note: stealing is not prohibited, but is still a very bad idea

Drinks - 10 to 580 credits per liter, depending on the drink
Overrider Meat - Free
Paper - 2 credits
Liquid Hyperspace Fuel - 2 credits/liter for engine, 30 credits/liter for drinking
Tacos- 16 credits each
Phase Pistol to the head - Free
Overrider Meat Tacos - 4 credits each

There will be an "Approved Living Target" list for annoying people. Only the bartender or one of the two yet-to-be-appointed assistant bartenders can add to this list.

If anyone would like to buy things on the black market, feel free to be my guest and walk right this way ------->.

Note: This is a follow-up bar for South Tip Satation, North Tip Satation, and Space Port Alpha Bars. We here at Voith Bar are totally against Emalgha Bar and Emalghions.
I hereby announce that all attenders of the Emalgha Bar and all Emalghions are officially on the "Approved Living Target" list and will be killed and kicked out.

Have fun. 🙂

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

grunadulater walks into the bar.
can i be assistant?


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-23-2001).)

now taking bets on how long it is before this one goes down the drain...

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...

5 bucks says...half a week. Bars are kinda like the macarana, everybody does it but then they wonder why. lol.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 06-23-2001).)


(This message has been edited by Rima (edited 06-23-2001).)

Rima, having not been in bars in awhile and not inclined to join Emlagha Bar,and since Space Port Alpha has only 5 posts left..........Rima docks Z.S.S. White Death and walks into the bar and orders a Blue Lightning.

The earth is burning up and were all going to die.

Phaedrus walks into the spotless new bar. He looks around and nods in approval of the rules, especially the ALT list (looking like a descendant of his own suggestion).

"Well, this place looks like a good spot to settle down for a while. I assume WarBeast and 21st Century Digital Boy are on ALT's?"

Deciding to go ahead before even getting an answer from the bartender, Phaedrus pulls out his SPCG shotgun and blows the heads off of both above-mentioned inhabitants of the bar, putting the first spashes of blood on the wall, finally giving it that wonderfull lived-in look.

Life: Terminal, unrecoverable, completely useless phenomonon - Me

Jess walks in grinning and covered with blood.
"Hey everybody. I'll have an Overrider taco, I've never actually tried them before."
She looks around at the blood stained walls. Nice to see we've kept up the theme there 😉

My latest tip: Ask french taxi drivers the way to the nearest brothel in a very loud clear voice.

well since mirrormans not here ill help.
Grunadulater hands rima her blue lightning
"that will be 540 creds."
he hands the taco to jess.
"that will be 4 credits."
he sits down and eats his favorite overrider meat and paper.


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-24-2001).)

"Yes, Warbeast and 21DB are on the ALTL." Mirrorman throws a small grenade in their vicinity. "Yes, the ALTL is from popular demand, and I use it because it is much needed in these places. Also, you can be an assistant, grunadulator." Mirrorman then goes up to 21DB and sticks his head into a shot glass, much to the delight of the other customers of the bar. Then, for an encore, he sticks Warbeast's head in there, too. Mirrorman then drinks an Azdgari At'cha (or whatever you call 'em). Jess's hands, feet, toes, fingers, nose, eyeballs, ears, and internal organs all blow up because of the overrider meat. "You should probably try a regular taco next time, Jess."

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

Warbeast and 21DB are having a hard time finding their heads, because Mirrorman has put the shot glass containing them on a high shelf. He then decides that that isn't good enough and blasts off the shot glass in an escape pod.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.


Overrider Meat and Overrider Meat Tacos are extremely dangerous!

When eating ANY piece of Overrider Meat or Tacos will cause your ears, nose, eyes, face, legs, arms, toes, fingers, stomach, spleen, lungs, liver, kidney, appendix, muscles, brain, bones, and heart to explode! Following the explosion your body will ignite in flames and you will be left to ravid monkeys and they will do very evil things to you!


You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!

Now he tells us.

Michael Schumacher: Undoubtedly the greatest human being in existance.

Oficial Post:
It is now approved to shoot anyone who has been to the bar on Anew in the Kindof system. It is also approved to go to the Anew, Kindof Bar and kill anyone you want.
It is not approved to shoot Jess, even though she has been to the Anew Kindof Bar, because she has a good personality.
It is not approved to kill people that have visited the Anew Kindof Bar but, instead contributing to the well being of the bar, have contributed to the closing down of that bar, because they cannot be considered true patrons of aformentioned bar.
If you have been to the Anew Kindof Bar but do wish to be on the ALTL, see me.
This post takes affect in 1 hour, so it is advised for Overrider to leave or obtain a bar pass from the black market (over here ---------> )

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

(This message has been edited by Mirrorman (edited 06-24-2001).)

I'm not actually a patron, I just spam and stuff. And yes, I have a brill personality, so anybody who shoots me will have emergancy surgery done on them by me in a very amaturish way.

Michael Schumacher: Undoubtedly the greatest human being in existance.

mirrorman, im gonna make a list of drinks.

Water 10c
Tea 12c
Igazdra swirl 50c
"have a nice day" 100c
devils breath 320c
blue lightning 540c
sallian brandy 5000c
sallian demon 6000c

if anyone has some more im open for ideas.
Hey everyone, pay up for ur drinks.


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-24-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-25-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-27-2001).)

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 07-10-2001).)

"I'll take a shot of water. Umm, is any other bars on the hitlist? As in, do we wanna organize a group to go harass other bars, or just sit and wait for em to come to the cool bar?"

Life: Terminal, unrecoverable, completely useless phenomonon - Me

I would like 2,000 Saalian Brandys and if i'm correct that would be 10M cr. right? Posted Image

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
The many smileys websites that rookie found.you can get them: (url="http://"http://chat.msn.com/emoticons_feature.msnw")here(/url) , (url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")here(/url) ,(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/smilies.html")here(/url),and (url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/index.html")here(/url)

(This message has been edited by rookie10276 (edited 06-24-2001).)

"I'd say that right now, we are provoking the other two bars until someone comes and does something against our liking, then we go harass them. The point of this bar ismainly to annoy other people. You can go onto other bars if you want, though. It's not like I could/would/would want to stop you. In fact, I think I'll go over to that bar on Anew in the Kindof system and shoot some people. Bye!" Mirrorman leaves the bar in grunadulators hands while he goesto harass the Anew Kindof Bar.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.