Emalgha Bar

Suddenly a voice comes over the loudspeaker..."Surrender yourselves and report to the Voith Bar or be terminated"

Just then a Zachit strike team busts through the doors with Phased armor and Balistic Phase shields. Before anyone has a chance to pull out their weapon, the Zachit officers open fire on all of The patrons of the bar, killing or impaling them all. Sparing Jess and Rookie of course.


Rebel and his troops move thru the bar making sure everyone is dead and then moves to the bartender who is taking his final breaths... "Join Voith bar or die." Then the Zachit team withdraw to their ships and take of from the spaceport to return to voith bar.


"He's got a point, you know. My bar is better."
Mirrorman removes crocix's stomach, straps him down, feeds his stomach to him, and laughs when it comes out the hole it used to be connected to.
He shoots people with a shock rifle Posted Image and laughs and laughs and laughs.
Oh, and here's one of my favorites:
Posted Image

"Also, Jess, I am proud to report that I have found many new ways of killing/torturing people and do not intend to repeat forms of killing/torturing for a long time." Mirrorman takes Fried Chicken's head and sticks it in a vice. He slowly turns the vice until Fried Chicken's head is nothing but a pancake.


I HAVE gone smiley crazy, thank you for asking.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

(This message has been edited by Mirrorman (edited 06-25-2001).)

I don't wanna go to the Vioth Bar!!!!! Posted Image

Falling inlove is when he lays in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...

As soon as Rebel and his troops are gone away, Crocix reincarnates, he waits for everybody's reincarnation, and then says:"They will pay for this!! Everybody to his spaceship!!!"
Then all the vessels docked at the bar head to Voith Bar.

I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

Rebel return to the bar with his troops and storms into the bar. They walk up to Crocix's table and he is held down by 2 armored Zachit Officers. Rebel walks up to him and hits him with the but of his gun until blood is oozing from his skull. "Your actions will not go unrepayed." Rebel then pulls a combat knife and cuts open Crocix's stomach and diembowels him. Then Rebel and his troops leave the bar and bomb Crocix's ship on the way back to Voith Bar.


Mirrorman storms into the Emalgha Bar "Dang, I missed ~Rebel~. Oh, well, as promised I'll cut some people in half." Mirrorman proceeds to do just this:
Posted Image
Then, Mirrorman steps up to the newly regenerated Crocix and says, "Some of my costumers thought it would be fun if I did this to you." Mirrorman gets two tongs and slowly pulls apart the skin of Crocix's chest and stomach area. Then, he takes a freshly brewed litre of Saalian Demon and pours it on Crocix's exposed internal organs, noting that some of these organs burn away because of the large amount of alcohol and hydrochloric acid contained in Saalian Demon. Mirrorman also carefully observes how much Crocix screams (a request of him by his costumers).
Mirrorman plants a bomb on Crocix. The result is something like this:
Posted Image
Mirrorman plants an even larger bomb on the wall of the bar itself, and then gets the heck out of there before the bar explodes. On his way into space, he sees the Emalgha Bar turn into a huge fireball.

Signature 2.0 is in developement.
Beta will start soon.

Crocix reincarnates and then asks to somebody to take him to Igadzra.
After some days Crocix return with the Muten, an heavy armored Igazra.
He enters into the bar and sits down at his table.
After some minute of silence Crocix says "I bet that if we attack Voith bar again, they will attack us another time and we do it again and they do it again.
Let's think about it!"
After half an hour Crocix gets up and everybody turn the head to hear his words.
"Quiet guys!" says Crocix "I have only to go to the toilet."

I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

Your absolutly right Crocix. No matter how hard you try to hit back at stupid people like Mirroman and Rebel, there always to dumb,
and they don't know anything better to do than to hit back. It's preatty sad, but somebody has got to put up with people like them.
After Athena talks to Crocix she jumps into her spaceship and goes into hyperspace, and leaves without a trace.

Falling inlove is when he lays in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...

I appologize to Crocix and Athena for trashin your bar and stuff. You have to understand that I am mearly role playing and this is all in good fun. I have no grudge against any of you. I will stop attacking your bar. I can't speak for Mirrorman but on my behalf I appologize if I have upset you.



I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

This should keep MirrorMan away!


Posted Image

Overrider the Magician puts up Mirror Man repleant spells around the bar. If he comes to the bar he will shrink into nothing and get an extrmeley deadly virus.

Hey! You live where I do! And Jess and Phoenix. i thought you lived far away from Fairyland!

your really helping me out with these smileys. thanks!!! That was such a stupid mistake!
You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!

(This message has been edited by Overrider720 (edited 06-29-2001).)

Do you mean:


Unoriginally posted by rookie(Originally posted by Overrider720):
**This should keep MirrorMan away!


Posted Image

Overrider the Magician puts up Mirror Man repleant spells around the bar. If he comes to the bar he will shrink into nothing and get an extrmeley deadly virus.


EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
The many smileys websites that rookie found.you can get them: (url="http://"http://chat.msn.com/emoticons_feature.msnw")here(/url) , (url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")here(/url) ,(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/smilies.html")here(/url),and (url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/index.html")here(/url)


Originally posted by ~Rebel~:
**I appologize to Crocix and Athena for trashin your bar and stuff. You have to understand that I am mearly role playing and this is all in good fun. I have no grudge against any of you. I will stop attacking your bar. I can't speak for Mirrorman but on my behalf I appologize if I have upset you.


Dude, don't worry about it. I have no hurt feelings at all.

Falling inlove is when he lays in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...

also for me

I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

really??! 😄

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
The many smileys websites that rookie found.you can get them:(url="http://"http://chat.msn.com/emoticons_feature.msnw")here(/url), (url="http://"http://www.ezboard.com/help/help_howto_useemoticons.html")here(/url),(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/smilies.html")here(/url),and(url="http://"http://community.theunderdogs.org/smiley/index.html")here(/url).


I am going to start a new bar.

Maybe not. Who cares? Please vote here if you wish for me to make a bar that........is superior.

These bars are so low-traffic. Anyway, sayonara.

waratte yo tsuki mo itsuka
"It's not paranoia if they are really after you."

for me is ok Posted Image

I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.

(This message has been edited by crocix (edited 07-07-2001).)

I could care less how slow traffic it is. At least the bar has a character and it's not just blowing people up, no offence Phoenix.

Falling inlove is when he lays in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...

(This message has been edited by Athena (edited 07-08-2001).)

After some time, a Shuttlecraft docks at the bar and a deliverboy unloads an old flipper.
Crocix Posted Image and says:"This is a Diamondcore Flipper!!! Me first!!!! Posted Image

In ten minutes Crocix gets 100,000,000 points Posted Image

I'm Crocix, the great Zacha, the hero of the UE and the captain of the MUTEN.