this challenge thing.

What is this one man crew challenge? Someone update me as I like an EVO challenge.


Basically, the idea is that you try to complete the game using only ships with a crew of one, like the shuttle, Krait, and Crescent Fighter. I believe the Azdara is usually considered to not count, since many people of the type who like doing these challenges think it's overpowered.

David Arthur
(url="http://"")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)

Paddy - Pleas see my post at this location: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...-03-200101:29PM(/url)
It should answer your question.

David - Basically my reasoning for prohibiting the Azdara was that many people use it in their normal play, and I wanted to challenge people to do something they wouldn't ordinarily have done. Also, the Azdara does make it less challenging, which defeats the purpose.

