Low self-esteem bar

Welcome to the low self-esteem bar. It's actually not a very good bar, but hey... thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. If you weren't here, I'd just be sat here worrying about disease, starvation, the Strand War, the price of fuel, why Ali Saidi is so mean to me... or something.

Anyway, like, this is the bar, so...


  • I know you'll do anything you want, regardless of any rules about the use of chainsaws, disruptor pistols or thermonuclear weapons, so I'm not going to try.

  • Please leave the bartender with the use of at least one limb at all times, since serving drinks will be difficult otherwise.

  • When I'm robbed and killed, please scatter my ashes in the soup at Borb Station.

  • Nobody is allowed in this bar unless they already have a serious personality disorder. Nothing less than kleptomania, depression (preferably manic), schizophrenia or paranoia. Alzheimers also acceptable during happy hour.

  • Have a not-too-dreadful day.

Drinks available:(list)

  • Antidepressant solution. 45 cr.

  • Cyanide. 21 cr.

  • Recycled beer. 9 cr.

  • Alcohol and caffeine free Saalian brandy. 2 cr.

I declare the bar open. For now, anyway. It'll probably be closed down right away, by either the moderators or the health inspector...

Might I recommend a look at a map showing the size of the known universe as a cure for the low esteemed. Its Yawping mind stretching hugeness gives me an enormous feeling of well being.
By the way , have you been to mars lately , I heard the price of industrial goods is quite low, TROZ!

Hmm, Mars: 'The Bringer of War', according to Gustav Holst. Is that some kind of threat? I will now don my bulletproof waistcoat, in case it was.

I went to Mars like you suggested, but the only manufactured goods I found there were the Viking lander and the little six-wheeled thing from the Pathfinder mission. Maybe I'll look again in a couple of hundred years.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

(checks rule D)

I suppose I qualify, but I am busy.


waratte yo tsuki mo itsuka
sukoshi dake ayashige-na kuchibiru ga watashi wo tokasu

(This message has been edited by Imperial Phoenix (edited 07-12-2001).)


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:

  • Nobody is allowed in this bar unless they already have a serious personality disorder. Nothing less than kleptomania, depression (preferably manic), schizophrenia or paranoia. Alzheimers also acceptable during happy hour.


You didn't specify when Happy Hour is. Oh well, doesn't matter -- I'll probably forget anyway.
