Reign- Shades of Evil

I was wondereing where I could dowload this plug-in other than at ambrosia addon files it doesnt seem to work for me there, wont let me dowload.


If you could be more specific in how "it doesn't let you" I'm sure someone could help you out and make it work. I don't think the plug is up on any other sites.... Bomb recently released a plugin that has both of the Reign plugs together. (Called Reign II Magma v2.0, I believe) Try downloading that...

Remember, I'm just text on your screen. I don't exist in your world.
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

I'll try that, what I mean by won't let me is I click to on it to download and nothing happens, it says reading file..... done I tried clicking again but nothing happens.


Yeah, and when I try to d/l Reign of the UE No Music the screen just goes blank and says StuffIt yaddayaddayadda and then displays a bunch of code (or is it nonsense? dunno, I'm a graphic artist) and dosen't download. Help me, I can't stomach the 9- something megs download for the other version.

Go to and get yourself an up-to-date version of Stuffit. Worked for me!

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

Ok... if you're getting a bunch of code when you click the link, then you follow these steps:

1. Instead of clicking the link, drag the link onto your desktop. A download will begin.
2. When the 9 meg (or however big it is) download finishes, open stuffit expander.
3. command-E (unstuff/expand) the downloaded file.

You should then have what you need. Enjoy!

Remember, I'm just text on your screen. I don't exist in your world.
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

Right on guys, ta!

Well i finally got it dowloaded then it says the archive is corrupted, I tried again same thing, any ways tha i can fix the problem, I looked for that plug that you mentioned but, I cant seem to find, if you could make a link for me that would be great.



Originally posted by firestorm:
**Well i finally got it dowloaded then it says the archive is corrupted, I tried again same thing, any ways tha i can fix the problem, I looked for that plug that you mentioned but, I cant seem to find, if you could make a link for me that would be great.

The one you're trying to download is at
(url="http://";=Reign II- Shades of Evil.sit")http://www.ambrosias...20of%20Evil.sit(/url)

right? I remember bomb releasing a newer version with both the ROTV's combined. It's called Reign II-magma v.1.0... and I have it sitting right here on my hard drive. If you want, I can email you a copy... or you could probably just walk over to my house and pick up a copy on a zip disk; you live close enough. 😄

Remember, I'm just text on your screen. I don't exist in your world.
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

yep, if you could e-mial me a copy of it that would be awesome. my e-mail address is

I looked for the magma version but could only find the updater.


mail sent. lemme know if it all works out...

Remember, I'm just text on your screen. I don't exist in your world.
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

And btw storm, whatever Flatty says, don´t go visit him!

Bad stuff can happen, we lost many good members in that way 🙂


lol,anyways thanks again. workin good.
