Some ROTUE help would be hot.

I'm only on the svass test and I need help! I destroy the svass station in sol and it's fighters and I land on Earth and nothing happens... WHAT'S UP? :frown:

PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-

I'm not sure, but If i remember correctly, the mission ends at a station, not earth..
I'm sure someone else could help you more.. sorry...

"The biggest conspiracy has always been the fact that there is no conspiracy. Nobody's out to get you. Nobody gives a **** whether you live or die. There, you feel better now?"
~Dennis Miller

try landing on knox in the mestor sys. alot of missions have a strange way of winding down there...


Svass test? I believe that was just a test for the "attack svass defense" station mission near the end of the plug that the author forgot to delete when he released the plug. The actual svass mission ends at Ylynn in the Vorik system.

| | JPH | V o n t a y † | =|

THANX! but.. i need more help i have to take a message to a guy inniot but i land and nothing happens.

P.S. im having trouble with plugz 😛

PURE insanity is
runing around in
circles very fast and
screaming. -aquafluff2-

(This message has been edited by aquafluff2 (edited 07-04-2001).)