Reign of Chaos II - Player Slots

Join (url="http://"")Golden Horizon(/url), a webstory by Captain Carnotaur, sequel to Red Horizon.

Reign of Chaos II
by SilverDragon

The long awaited, and perhaps also long dreaded, sequel to Reign of Chaos, a webstory I created when under the influence of fatigue.

It will be arriving sometime soon, although the exact date cannot be accurately guessed. Currently the boards are free of active webstories, but Carnotaur's (url="http://"")Golden Horizon(/url) will soon be introduced to the Ambrosia boards, and, so as not to compromise either webstory, Reign of Chaos II will most likely step backward for (url="http://"")Golden Horizon(/url) and let it take place first.

If, however, both Reign of Chaos II and (url="http://"")Golden Horizon(/url) appear to have enough players both may take part at the same time on the boards, as occured with Flashpoint and Dark Shadow, Dark Shadow and Warfare, and Reign of Chaos and Dark Tide.

Thus, I am now opening a Player Slots for Reign of Chaos II. The basic outline of the plot is included, but people who are aware of the plot and took part in Reign of Chaos are welcome to join. Please note that every member of Reign of Chaos automatically reserves their old position, and most of these have been certified. Rima is playing Zidagar, AradaPilot is playing Azdgari, I am playing United Earth and Galactica control goes to Thunder or Battledoctor.

However, there are still slots open, so please give this a read and consider joining.

_The Plot

It all started out in a typical EVO world. Every race was the same, each side with their same emnities. But much happened, as the reign of chaos began.....

The UE, Miranu and Zidagar formed a great alliance of worlds, becoming strong. To show their strength to the galaxy they placed mighty space stations in the UE-Miranu gap. The Imperium Alliance was formed out of scientists, and it was defended by technology and the mighty space stations they lived on. However, the Imperium Alliance ignored their creators and went their own way, sworn enemies of the Miranu and UE, seeking power.

Then, from beyond the galaxy we know of came the Odine, an insightful, incredibly advanced people. They came through a warphole the Miranu had made. The Odine were not invaders, nor were they an entire race. They were the remnants of a race, a race desperate to escape the horrors of a galaxy beyond where thousands of races are in constant war. The Odine had less than a hundred ships, but they were so far advanced that the danger they posed was great.

The Azdgari met them and allied with them, and at the same time the Voinians met and allied the Imperium Alliance. Voinians, Igadzra and UE become tentative allies against the Azdgari-Odine co-operation, but then the UE betrayed the Voinians and Igadzra, sending word to the Azdgari to fight with them.

Sides were drawn, and tensions grew. The time for the battlefield was now.

In fact, so little happened at first glance. Each race researched technologies to make themselves strong, and the UE poured into the Voinian worlds with their supercruisers. The U.E.S Paladin, the U.E.S Excalibur and the new, deadly sphere shaped supercruiser - the U.E.S Sephiroth.

All went wrong, however, and the UE were turned back. They were crushed, and their supercruisers destroyed. However, the U.E.S Sephiroth, badly damaged, was merged with the U.E.S Garland, it's brother ship still in creation. The U.E.S Garland was ready, as was the colony ship the Lost Hope.

UE space was set to destruct, freighters, stations, all now traps. The UE leader, Paladin, was prepared to lay down his life at Paaren Station, but the mercenary Carnotaur saved him. Carnotaur went to Zidagar land, that was near collapse also, and saved Rima.

Paladin and Rima went in the Garland and their other ships beyond to the new galaxy, and Carnotaur stayed behind to form the Mercenary Alliance that would keep everyone else down while the UE and Zidagar recovered.

Paladin and Rima's goal was to go to the new galaxy and steal technology, then come back much stronger. However, they do not know what they must face.........

Meanwhile, the other races were forced together by power to make the Galactica Empire, who control all of the galaxy. _


In Reign of Chaos II the Azdgari rebelled against Galactica and are now an independant government. Here are all the different slots:

Galactica (Leader = Battledoctor, Players RMA)
They control over 3/4 of the standard galaxy, and have over 1000 warships. What can I say? <smiles> We need some sector leaders. These leaders can do whatever they want with a fraction of Galactica, but Battledoctor will command most of Galactica (maybe 50% to him, 25% to two other people)

United Earth (Leader = SilverDragon, Players = UE Crusader)
There can be second in command slots, although this isn't vital. Nomadic so far.

Zidagar (Leader = Rima, Players = ESPilot)
There can be second in command slots, although this isn't vital. Nomadic so far.

Zachit (Leader = Whitehawk)
We need a leader, and probably no-one else. The Zachit are nomadic, and all there ships are stored on the Ragnarok, a huge carrier. They may side with whoever they want, it doesn't really matter.

Azdgari (Leader = AradaPilot, Players = Kiwi)
A second place may be useful. They command all the land they once did, as well as a little North Rim land.

Mercenary Alliance (Leader = Carnotaur)
They control a small amount of Voinian/Emalgha space. Positions in this would be useful, as you don't have to be particularly loyal. If you want to be a mercenary, you're best joining here first.

Prylak Aliens (Leader = Gwydion, Players = Grunadulater, Rookie)
The all powerful aliens from beyond. Possessing near incredible technologies and controlling numerous systems in the second galaxy, they have yet to find their way through the warphole. But when they do....... It could mean death to everybody else.
(Note: The Prylak Aliens will be brought in at a certain time. If you are interested in playing them, either understand you'll be inactive for a long time and wait, or sign up for an independant position meanwhile.

Note that independants by Galactican law cannot carry weapons. Galactica leader Battledoctor may grant special exceptions if you request a meeting.


Please feel free to direct any questions to me:

Email: (url="http://"")

Finally SilverDragon. I've been looking forward to the sequels to the webstories.By the way you forgot to add that one of the ships I escaped with was the Z.S.S. Savior.When's the map coming out?

The earth is burning up and were all going to die.

Oh, sorry, Rima. The Z.S.S Saviour is course exists, at Dreadnought class, and is the main ship of the Zidagar (nomadic). It supports the Zidagar race, carrying hundreds if not thousands of civilians and has it's own fuel scoops and hydronics bays.

The map will probably be out by next week.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-02-2001).)


Prylak Weapons

ĽPhoton Gun/Turret: A mediun fast firing high range energy weapon with moderate damage ratings. Primary weapon.

ĽPlasma Gun: A very powerful slow firing energy gun that has a low range. Secondary weapon.

ĽPilum Missile: The standard Prylak missile. It finds an enemy that is viewable from the cockpit, locks on, and shoots off. It'll destroy or severely damage most fighters. Secondary weapon.

ĽDumbfire rocket: High explosive warhead inside a fuel tank and an engine, no guidance. Very high damage, often used from fighters against capital ships. Secondary seapon.

ĽFission Cannon: A remarkable invention, this huge energy cannon has the ability to damage a light capital ship down to it's armour. It charges up, then, once the pilot releases the trigger, sends off a huge burst of fission energy that destroys all but the most powerful fighters in one shot, even with a very small charging time. Special weapon.

Prylak Ships

Capital Ships

ĽPrylak Carrier: The standard Carrier of the Prylak Empire, this ship is seen almost anywhere in Prylak space. It has a standard complement of fighters, and turrets.

Weapons: 10 photon turrets, 7 Hellcats, 3 Longbow Missileboat.

ĽPrylak Frigate: A slightly small frigate, this is not very common among the Prylak empire. It is a standard Frigate, and carries only a few weapon types.

Weapons: 5 photon turrets, 10 Dumbfire missiles, 30 javelins.

Prylak Fighters

ĽHellcat Medium Fighter: A typical medium fighter, a little better than the UE fighter.

Weapons: 4 Photon Cannnons, 4 Pilum Missiles, 2 Dumbfire rockets

ĽLongbow Missileboat: A heavy, slow, but well armoured, shielded, and equipped fighter. It could easily take out a Voinian Heavy Fighter and UE fighter together.

Weapons: 5 Photon Cannons, 8 Pilum Missiles, 4 Dumbfire Rockets.


Name: Lord Gwydion
Ship: Prylak carrier.
Position: Supreme Emperor of the Prylak Empire.

<edit> Fixed carrier's weapons (or rather, put the Longbow in as a fighter), added cloaking device, which Esponer might not allow, took out cloaking device after finding Esponer said I should research it, took out my ship's cloaking device after realising that I'd left it in after taking it out of the tech section, fixed fission cannon description</edit>

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

(This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 06-06-2001).)

Thank you, Gwydion, but please check the fighters your ships have, since they have a type of fighter not listed in your fighter's section.

Also please introduce any new technologies to me via AIM or email first, so I can check them.

The limit for techs is:
1 Primary (cannon and turret included)
2 Secondaries
2 Special (primary, secondary, anything)

The limit for ships is 4 types.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-02-2001).)

I'll take the Zachit. Very much intrests me in the reason I chose them.



Before I list the ships and tech of Galactica, I would like to say that a second in command for me is extremely important. If you choose to be my second in command, not only will you be in control of one of the most powerful governments, but you will be guaranteed to have complete control of Galactica at least half the week. That said...


1. Inferno Cannon (Primary): Similar to othe blaze cannon, but longer ranged, more accurate, and more damaging.
2. Pursuit Missile(Secondary): Like a Pursuit missile from EVO, but better.
3. Cluster Missile (Secondary): A missile which, after being launched, splits apart into a bunch of small rockets. The rockets then accelerate to .88C, and are great at smashing apart hulls. The submunitions are not guided, but the larger missile is.
4. Fusion Beam (Special): A large, powerful beam weapon. It takes a large amount of power to fire, and almost all other ship systems must be powered down for the Fusion Beam to work correctly. This weapon is an adaptation of an old Voinian tecnology, the Neutron Beam.
5. Multi-Dynamic shields (special): a special shield system in which the ship has several layers of shields rather than just one. Placed on all Galactica Empire ships larger than a frigate.


1. Galactica Fighter: Comparable to the Zachit fighter. Small, fast, but with an fair amount of shields. Carries 3 Inferno Cannons and a Pursuit Missile launcher + ammo
2. Galactica Frigate: Small and maneuverable for a frigate, but with a powerful complement of weapons. 4 Inferno Turrets, and 2 Pursuit missile launchers + ammo. Can be easily modified to carry Cluster Missiles.
3. Galactica Carrier: A ship built solely for the purpose of carrying Galactica Fighters. Fairly strong shields, but only 2 Inferno Turrets. Carries 10 Galactica fighters.
4. Galactica Cruiser: A very strong ship in terms of weapons and shields, but is somewhat lacking in speed and maneuverability, even for a cruiser. Has strong shields, 8 Inferno turrets, and 3 Cluster Missile launchers + ammo.
5. Galactica Dreadnought: Amazingly powerful ships, but can be outmaneuvered by almost anything. 20 Inferno turrets, 5 cluster missile launchers, and 3 carried frigates. These ships are very expensive, and are usually found commanding fleets or protecting important worlds. They are almost never found alone, and quite often have a sizable battlegroup.

Galactica ships are usually very expandable and easily modified.

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 06-03-2001).)

I´d go for a second in command or my own little thing. BD´s post to big for me, but if there is some little thing left i´d gladly take that one.
Anyway i´m kind of new to this, so waiting your responses...


I'm torn between mercenary alliance and UE, but put me down as UE for now. This looks extremely interesting.


I take the Zidagar second-in-command position. Here's the profile on my character:

Name: Espilot
Rank: Second-in-command of the Zidagar remnants
Ship: Zidara
Name: Z.S.S. Finale
250 shields
40 armor
3 phase turrets
2 phased beamers
Zidagar bay
3 fighters
incerased turning

Espilot was a Zidagar who grew up on Tumni. He had good tactical ablities and practcally predicted he'd get a military position. His Zidara , the Z.S.S. Finale, was one of the main scouts explore the territory ahead of the Z.S.S. Savior. Although his ship isn't as active in scouting duty anymore for some reason only known to him. Most officers guess it's because his skill in tactical maneuvers was needed on the base ship of the now nomadic Zidagar fleet.

P.S. yes, this is overdetailed I know, but it's still only for when the story starts.

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today! Or come to (url="http://"")New Satori(/url), my new ezboard!
"Your eyes can deceive you—don't trust them." —Obi Wan Kenobi
"You will not try, you will do it." —Yoda
"What a piece of junk!" —Luke Skywalker

I think I will go for the Azdgari second in command and I will post my stats soon, just securing myself a place.

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

hmm... I forgot to post my specs.

Name: BattleDoctor
Position: Emperor of the Galactica Empire
Personal Ship: G.E.S. Deimos, Galactica Dreadnought
Personal Escorts: 2 Cruisers, 1 Carrier, 5 frigates, and usually a few fighters.
History: As a Fleet Admiral in the former Voinian Empire, BattleDoctor was one of the Emperor's most trusted advisors. Before the emperor died, he selected BattleDoctor as the next Emperor. BattleDoctor quickly earned the respect of his highest Admirals by allocating more resources to the military and rebuilding the Isled Outpost. Soon after this, the UE began to redouble their efforts to destroy the Voinian Empire. By defeating the bulk of the UE fleet at the Battle of Pokoren, he brought the Voinians closer to victory then ever before. Soon after this, the other governments realized that BattleDoctor was not stoppable, and they agreed to sign the treaty written up by BattleDoctor and Thunder (of the Igadzra) forming the Galactica Empire, which was at that time called the Galactic Alliance. Since then, BattleDoctor has become the Emperor of the Galactica Empire.

P.S.- SilverDragon, I noticed that you allowed the other races to keep their largest ships. Because of this, I was wondering what happened to my 2 Voinian supercruisers. Did they get recommisioned as Galactica Empire ships, or were they scrapped? You decide.
"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 06-03-2001).)

Battledoctor - Ten years have passed now. I think you'll find that Galactica Dreadnoughts would be stronger than your supercruiser. Remember, everything is outdated now - so you're supercruisers, which are in a museum down in Voinia right now, are nothing more than huge junks of metal.

Also, if anybody wants to keep the basic or their designed ships from EV and RoC, they can. For example, the Zachit don't have much upgrade over everyone else, and they still use Zachit Fighters and Aradas. However, those ships are both upgraded to put them on a level with most other races, so they aren't outdated.

Anybody who wants to do this may, and I'm sure Rima will keep her Humrugar Fighters.

Important Note - All technology is reset for Reign of Chaos II.

Also, I'm glad to see so many people interested in joining. It may not seem so many, I suppose, but Reign of Chaos II doesn't need huge numbers of people interested.

If anyone would like to play, but doesn't see a leadership slot free, talk to me. It's entirely possible that I'd be able to introduce something else, especially something along the lines of another alien race.


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Yo SilverDragon, I have an idea for another race! Just a shot in the dark, but you know my AIM anyway.

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon


Originally posted by Opalius:
**I´d go for a second in command or my own little thing. BD´s post to big for me, but if there is some little thing left i´d gladly take that one.
Anyway i´m kind of new to this, so waiting your responses...


There weren't that many races, and they've all been taken now. You could either take a portion of command (Galactica could always do with more people) or contact me about the creation of a custom race/government.

Galactica is very hard to get around, as are the other all seemingly all powerful governments, but it would be possible.

Reign of Chaos II Ship Count Estimates

Galactica: 10,000 Fighters, 3000 Frigates, 2000 Carriers, 1000 Cruisers, 50 Dreadnoughts
Galactica have a huge number of ships, as you can see

UE: 1000 Wyverns, 500 Drakes, 250 Dragons
Data on these ships is below, generally more advanced than Galactica

Phylak: 5000 Hellcats, 3000 Longbows, 1500 Carriers, 1000 Frigates
The Phylak have a number of very powerful ships, more advanced than almost any other

Zachit: Ragnarok, 1000 Zachit Aradas, 2000 Zachit Fighters
Very few ships, all carried within the huge Ragnarok. Rules on Ragnarok use have been noted, and the Zachit's strength is that there forces usually travel en masse.

Information on ship count for the Azdgari, Zidagar and Mercenary Alliance will be supplied later.

Note: The Mercenary Alliance, like the Zachit, will use Crescent ships that are advanced up to a level with most other enemies (below UE and Phylak in tech, though) and their leader, Carnotaur, will be able to choose one or two special technologies for them.


UE Ships

Wyvern: Typically a heavy fighter, armed with four proton cannons, two hunter seeker pods and thirty hunter seekers and two Star Lances Wyverns are perfect for their role. The highly advanced Wyverns use Organic Armour, and are very tough, capable of pulling down fighters of any but Phylak type.

Drake: A frigate type ship, shaped like a larger Wyvern, armed with three proton turrets, two hunter seeker pods and fifty hunter seekers, and ten Star Lances (old RoC tech I'm keeping, upgraded a bit and don't need a launcher) Capable of taking on most other warships head on head.

Dragon: A cruiser like a larger Drake. Armed with five proton turrets, twenty Star Lances, a Wyvern bay with two Wyverns and three hunter seeker pods and seventy five hunter seekers, the Dragon can beat even the Galactica Cruiser in combat, or stand up well against a Dreadnought.


Proton Cannon/Turret - Good damage to shields and armour, basic weapon.

Hunter Seekers - Ever played Galactic Scourge? They're like home-in javelin rockets, but slightly better range.

Star Lances - Don't need a launcher. They fire quite fast, but have horrible turning. Very powerful when they hit, great against warships.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-03-2001).)

Position:Pyrlak second-in-command
Personal Ship:The Voyager of Darkness, Prylak carrier
ship specs:Cloaking device, normal fighters and guns
Personal escorts:3 Prylak carriers(Seeker, Devestater, Executor)5 hellcats(Blue squadern 1,2,3,4,5)5 longbow missileboats(Silver 1,2,3,4,5)
History:Used to be a great war hero. Was great to his people.Got injured in his last battle so now has 1 robotic arm and a robotic leg.Put in 2nd in com by LordGwydion.

(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-03-2001).)


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**Can I be the Hinwar or the Emalgia. I like downtrodden races.
Personal Ship:The Voyager of Darkness
Personal escorts:?


No, sorry. Neither exist. Remember - Galactica conquered ALL of the EVO galaxy. Recently the Mercenary Alliance has appeared around Emalgha space, and the Azdgari have revolted, but the rest of the galaxy is Galactica (the other races are nomadic or, like the Phylak, on another galaxy)

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

can i creata new race in the new galexy thing.


You could be Prylak second-in-command... And I have some really cool research ideas (well, from Wing Commander IV (no, not another webstory, it's a space-based cool game)).

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)|(url="http://"")Spacestation Pheta Unofficial Forums(/url)

Send me an email on your idea first, please, grunadulater.


"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 06-03-2001).)