Reign of Chaos II - Player Slots

I'm going to be at camp from June 24th to July 15th (about), so I'll probably need a second-in-command.


Kra'ah Saur was born on the obscure I'ase world of Tohiy. Obscure because it was at the center of a battle between two vastly more powerful forces: the Tosha and the Qan. Both races were trying to get control of Tohiy so they could use it as a weapons testing ground. After many years of war, the Qan unleashed their Hyper-Radium bomb, killing most of the population of the Tosha capital, Pitla. Kra'ah was now 17 years old, and had decided that he wanted to go into the intelligence business, the main industry of the I'ase. He proved to be very adept at this, even creating ideas for new weapons to aid them. While spying on the now Qan world of Tohiy in a Phantom Fighter, he was caught by a Qan Frigate and taken to the capital of Qarin. The I'ase got him back, however, and promoted him to the rank of Master (one of the highest in I'ase society). After the Minister (President) of I'asian (the capital) was killed, Master Saur was chosen to investigate a curious discovery on the outskirts of I'ase territory. Seems a wormhole had been discovered...

Master Saur flies a modified Guardian frigate. Besides the wormhole, one of his goals is to have vengeance on the ruler of Tohiy, and the Qan.

I am not implying that either the Qan or Tosha could have possibly discovered the wormhole. They are not to be involved in RoC II, as they are still warring, and would not even notice the disappearance of the I'ase if it happened.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Can i be second in command of another part of the Galactica?

Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
--- Tim Hansel


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**Can i be second in command of another part of the Galactica?


Yes, that would be good. I think you could probably be total commander when Battledoctor is off, otherwise you can control something like the Voinian-UE-IA sector (from Voinian, minus a few systems, to UE, to the UE and Miranu gap where the IA once lived) or perhaps the Igadzra-Southern Zidagar sector. The third sector is Miranu-Northern Zidagar.

I am a pimp

Battledoctor's already said I can be his second in command. In control when he's not around.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Yes, that would be good. I think you could probably be total commander when Battledoctor is off, otherwise you can control something like the Voinian-UE-IA sector (from Voinian, minus a few systems, to UE, to the UE and Miranu gap where the IA once lived) or perhaps the Igadzra-Southern Zidagar sector. The third sector is Miranu-Northern Zidagar.




Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I have a slightly more accurate date for the arrival of Reign of Chaos II - two weeks. A week after Golden Horizon begins. Gives me time to do the map, at least.



This was posted 06-12-2001 03:49 PM. I just noticed that RoC2 sould be done in 2 days. SD, if your still somewhere watching over us, please read this!And wheres GH?


(This message has been edited by grunadulater (edited 06-22-2001).)

Captain Carnotaur has apparently been absent for a time, so sadly Golden Horizon doesn't seem to be coming out. Please note RoC 2 is waiting for GH, because I don't want to throw players out of Golden Horizon. Also, the "Horizon" series deserves to come next, since Reign of Chaos came much, much after it.


PS: By the way, if you ever want to refer to the Reign of Chaos' webstories together, it's called the Ultima Trilogy. That will be explained more deeply in this webstory.

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

ok then.Captain Carnotaur, will you PLEASE come and show yourself.There 🙂



Originally posted by Thunder:
**After discussing it with Esponer, I've decided to take on a somewhat new role in this story. It's been seen once before, but I'll try and make it an important addition to the story this time...

Galactic News Network (GNN):

The GNN will report on the events of the galaxy, and the effects of these events on the economies, militaries, and civilians of the various governments. We can also report on battles or natural disasters, or human interest stories, who knows... The GNN is an impartial organization, a news network that doesn't answer to any government, though it's headquarters are within Galactica space. It has no military presence, it is simply a news organization.

Hmmm.. now where have I heard that before.... Sure, you can use my idea without asking....
Dont worry, I'm kidding, it didn't do too well when I tried it, good luck.

I cleared this up with Esponer, so this is how I'm going to join. When the Miranu made the wormhole that the L'ase came through, Neither had any idea that a small Qan merc fleet, headed by REDchigh, followed them through the wormhole....

The L'ase are fast, with low firepower, the Qan are basically the opposite.
My fleet made it through the wormhole, but the energy field from my fleet's Radiation Cloak is what closed the wormhole for good. Here are the basic advantages for the Qan:

Advanced hyperspace modules : Allow my fleet to enter hyperspace instantly, outfitted on all Qan ships.

Advanced methods of Energy Usage : Fleet's run off of a radioactive core, which powers the engines, weopons, everything. They are very well protected, so dont even think about it.

Radiation Cloak : not really a cloak at all, places a field of Energy around the ship, and protects the ship against all energy weopons, and all but the most powerful brute force attacks. standard on all ships, weopons have to be powered down, and ship has to drop cloak before entering hyperspace. Also no transmissions can go through the field.


Photon turrets and cannons (primary): _Cannons fire to 90 degree arch ot the front. turrets, oh come on, you know what turrets are! High accuracy, high firing rate, Decent range, very powerful (for a primary), a few turrets can take out a fighter patrol fleet in short order.

Qan Energy Mines (secondary): only on Destroyers and warships. Similar to Miranu defense system, longer life, blast wont hurt Qan ships.Fairly powerful, one mine will take out every fighter except the hellcat, takes the hellcat down to its armor. can be controled, launched one by one or in salvos. No guidence, other than a primitive magnetic pull.

Radium Rocket (Secondary): On all ships, more important when launched from Fighters, but Destroyers and Warships have them too.

Energy Ram (special): Strong turreted beam, what else is there to say? Bright white beam of pure energy, Extremely strong. Impact can knock a fighter across the galaxy, three can knock a station out of orbit. Only on Cruisers.


Pegasus Class Light Fighter: Excellent Maneuverability and decent firepower allows this fighter to win one on one with any other fighter.
3 Photon cannons
1 Radium Rocket launcher

Corsair Fighter-bomber: Heavy fighter, slower than the Pegasus, but more power, more shileds, can take on about 3 fighters, depending on the first shot.
4 Photon cannons
2 Radium Launchers

Hera Class Destroyer: Excellent shields, good maneuverability, faster than other race's ships of its size, except for the L'ase. Can take on three UE Drakes, and have its shields at 15%.
6 Photon turrets
3 mine layers
3 Radium launchers
Pegasus bay, four fighters

Zeus Class Warship: The strongest ship in RED's fleet, not the most powerful Qan ship, but close. The Zeus can take out 2 UE dragons with ease.
14 Photon turrets
5 mine launchers
1 Energy Ram
Corsair Bay, 2 fighters.

Since only a small merc fleet is all that went through the Wormhole, my #'s are:
10/2/4/1. My personal ship is a Zeus Warship, and is the only one in my fleet.

Even tho my fleet is Qan, they are merc, and after they realize they aren't going to be payed, they may decide not to hunt down the L'ase.

I'm an interfering git.


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Captain Carnotaur has apparently been absent for a time, so sadly Golden Horizon doesn't seem to be coming out. Please note RoC 2 is waiting for GH, because I don't want to throw players out of Golden Horizon. Also, the "Horizon" series deserves to come next, since Reign of Chaos came much, much after it.


PS: By the way, if you ever want to refer to the Reign of Chaos' webstories together, it's called the Ultima Trilogy. That will be explained more deeply in this webstory.

I really don't see why we should wait for Golden Horizon to come out before we start RoC2. I know you told Carnotaur you would wait for him to start his webstory, but this is getting a bit ridiculous; if he won't start it then it is his problem if he loses players. Besides, how is RoC2's starting going to affect GH? I fail to see the connection. I am sure I speak for more than just myself when I say that we are growing impatient. How much longer are we going to wait for Carno, SilverDragon?

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
"May your flowers wilt and die, ******!" - BattleDoctor, to his arch nemesis

I'll bring Reign of Chaos II out on Sunday, no matter what. There's been a little problem of a map for a while, so I'll have to sort that out. I was going to set the map up in that week. Oh, and the idea is that we don't want Golden Horizon to lose players due to RoC 2.


That's all very nice, but where are the guns?
- SilverDragon


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I'll bring Reign of Chaos II out on Sunday, no matter what. There's been a little problem of a map for a while, so I'll have to sort that out. I was going to set the map up in that week. Oh, and the idea is that we don't want Golden Horizon to lose players due to RoC 2.


Sunday is the perfect day to start it. Thank you very much, SilverDragon. 🙂

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
"May your flowers wilt and die, ******!" - BattleDoctor, to his arch nemesis