Crabby Problem

Having learned from my problem with the Wraith, I have sworn to no longer insert objects into my levels that I do not know the properties of, this includes those weird crab arms. Could someone tell me A)What's the difference between a crab arm whichever way and a crab arm all sides? 🆒 How do you kill a crab arm?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I don't think you can kill a crab arm.


Not to be gruff but I was kinda hoping for better than think, but I've tried pretty hard and I don't think you can either. Also, does anyone know what a crab arm whatever direction does as opposed to a crab arm all sides?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I believe that they only go one way and crab arm all sides goes all ways. But I've only used all sides so I don't know. And I don't think anyone KNOWS how to kill a crab arm, but I've never been able to, and I've sure tried! 🙂

Remember, I don't think, I believe. 😄

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

Yes, I've realized that a crab arm with a direction can only attack within 90° of that direction, that had me fooled for a while, and yes I also think that crab arms are invicible.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better