Uninhabited Bar

New bar whith one rule...
1.Only Insane People who kill everyone kan enter
2.Only one drink - Walrus Pee
3.No killing me.

I am the egg-man,
I am the Egg-man,
I am the Walrus,(koo-koo-ka-choo)

A missile screams through the air and impacts on the bar. The bar tender learns how to fly.

ETC = CpyRt SD 2001.


-Imperial Phoenix
The most irresponsible man in space.

a large igazdra warship slams into the bar, not killing walrus but puting him in a state of very deep uncounciousness(sp)


then A huge EU cruiser about 1000 Million tons crashes onto the bar flattens it to the thickness of a paper and every one and everything in the becomes flat too. 😄

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
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Posted Image

Wow! great business Walrus. :rolleyes: Are you sure you want to keep the first rule?

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

right Walrus your only Aloud one bar at a time....this will teach u a lesson....

A fleet of azradas fly in (about 20) and fire of SAE mouduals at the spacestation they blow out the gravity generators and the bar slowly falls into the atmosphere and off into oblivion and is vaporised in teh atmosphere!!


"Insanity Prevails Where Sanity Fails" -My Motto 🙂

aren't walrus' very fat? wouldn't that mean if I squshed one it would cover a large amount of FLAT space 😄

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
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Originally posted by gazza_2001:
**right Walrus your only Aloud one bar at a time....


No hold it gazza there is no such rule like that. That rule only came from people who are afraid that there bar might not have as much business as other bars.

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

(This message has been edited by Athena (edited 06-19-2001).)

No it didn't Athena. It actually came from a mod and it is so one bar doesn't get a lot of posts

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!

I would just like to point out that it's actually "I am the walrus, goo-goo g-joob". Y'see, I've got the Oasis B-side album The Masterplan on at the moment in my UE Cruiser's CD player..... I'd have bought that Beatles album, but hey, not even the Emalgha think they're cool anymore.... 😉

"Never trust a dog with
orange eyebrows"
-Nanny Ogg

I have no idea if we can make more bars or does some ancient post say that you can't have more than 1 bar every 200 posts.I know that you can't have more than 200 posts one moderator said it (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum12/HTML/000102-27.html") here(/url) and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

EVO/EVN rule 1st, Soccer rules 2nd
Posted Image

<A HREF="http://communities.msn.com/unofficalEVOveride&naventryid;=100" TARGET=_blank> Posted Image

(This message has been edited by rookie10276 (edited 06-19-2001).)

27 pages!!!! Holy crap!!!!!!!

and andrew said it and he's above all of us

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**No it didn't Athena. It actually came from a mod and it is so one bar doesn't get a lot of posts

Woah! Sorry if you thought I was attacking you. I appoligize

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.

You take a lot of my posts as if i was yelling at you. i wasn't. I was just telling you

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!

Wratho boldly enters this mad bar, ignoring all posts before him, and does thus not read the rule. He starts with blasting everyone into tiny pieces and watches with sadistic joy as the blood stains all over the walls.
He then slabs walrus fat head in the wall, hears an awful sound of broken bone and brainsubstance, and takes a Dragar Headbreaker Beer and smiles easily against the remians of the visitors.
This should shut down this unneccessary bar! He,he,he.

EV is the best game ever. But EVO is better. Just guess how much Nova's going to rock!

The Voinian Ambassador does not enter the bar. He does not draw a pocket neutron cannon, and does not start shooting at complete strangers. He is elsewhere, perhaps actually getting some work done for a change. He'd heard that this bar was uninhabited, and consequently didn't bother visiting it.

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evodude2001/home.html")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

Good choice. It sucks!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000601.html")Ferazel Chronichles(/url). Why not? We want Ferazel Chronichles! Please give them to us!!


Originally posted by Wratho:
**Wratho boldly enters this mad bar, ignoring all posts before him, and does thus not read the rule. He starts with blasting everyone into tiny pieces and watches with sadistic joy as the blood stains all over the walls.


After Wratho kills everybody, they all reincarnate themselves and rip Wratho limb from limb. Walrus post an new rule
rule?: Wratho not allowed. :rolleyes:

No one gets what they wish for,
They get what they work for.