New to Game

I just got the game a few days ago and I was reading through the forum to pick up some pointers as to where to go next. I noticed as I was reading that people would say they were conjurors or rangers or warriors and whatnot. Where does one become a specialized character? I dont think you can select one at the start so is it a plugin? Do you have to work for someone like the guy at the knighthood house? Are there certain places you have to visit to become one? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"I think TV remotes should have a button that allows you to kill the person on screen."-George Carlin

you must be using the trinity plug-in to choose characters, and it's done at the very beginning.
"that which does not kill me makes me stronger."


You can download Trinity by going to (url="http://"") , going to 'Add-Ons', and downloading it there. It's roughly 10 MB, as I remember.


God, money will do anything for you.
Trent Reznor. Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole."

Nice. Thanks both of you.

"I think TV remotes should have a button that allows you to kill the person on screen."-George Carlin