Crescent Races

How do you join the races in the Crescent such as the adgzari and zidigar? I've done it once before on accident but I can't figure out how to do it again. I chose to try and help the Zidigar and killed their enemies. I have at least good egg in all their systems and an ultimate combat rating, but they won't give me any missions...


You can get the missions in Pozdag for the Zidigar, South tip station for the Azdgari and some Miranu place for the Igadzra.



Other races:

Voinians -- independant station near border
Emalgha -- Emalghion
Zachit -- Outpost Zachit

I don't know about any of the renegades, though.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.


Human - Iothe
North Tip - Hizidar (don't expect that spelling to be correct)
South Tip - Unjoinable

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

Zidigar: Pozdag
Azdgari: South tip station
Igadzra: Kitrak

i also have a questen. I tried to get a misson for the human renegades but it did not work, Yes i went to lothe prime but i could not get the misson. My rating is Ultimate and im most whanted in UE space. Thankyou and sorry for intrupting the post.



in order to get the human renegades mission you cant do any of the UE missionsshuch as the UE recruitment, hope that helps.
