Azdgari help

Hola...At the risk of sounding stupid....Ive been working on the Azdgari string, and I got to the Stror missions, but I cant figure out where to go now!! Help meeee!


(I cant think of a signature!!! Ahhh!!!)

Let the Zidagar Photographer get away, and then go from there...

"That's all very nice, but where are the guns?"
- SilverDragon

Man...Now I feel really stupid....I dont think Ive even gotten that far =( I got to the point where they "took my name out of the cup for a couple missions" and now I cant figure out what to do....


(I cant think of a signature!!! Ahhh!!!)

Don't feel bad, we've all been there. Welcome to the boards.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

Life is precious, yet so many end their own. It is an illogical pattern, known only to exist in humans. Put aside a dreary past, and ignore an upcoming unpleasent event to happen in the future. Live in the moment, and enjoy life.


Originally posted by Xaviar:
**I cant figure out what to do....


Keep going to the bar, look for the photographer mission

If God is, man is a slave; now, man can and must be free; then, God does not exist.
I defy anyone whomsoever to avoid this circle; now, therefore, let all choose.
Mikhail Bakunin-

I just finnished taking supplies to the new base at Stror, but when I go into the bar there, nothing happens. I am a fugitive (I don't know how I became one) in the system, is this affecting the bar missions? If so, how do I get to be at least respectable in that system?



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Let the Zidagar Photographer get away, and then go from there...


Aren't you the one who makes sure nobody tells the person exactly what to do?!!
I suggest doing the missions for awhile, your money will start raking up as well as your cr (unless you are ultimate already)

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel