EVO and Decoding problems

I'm using the Mac emulator Basilisk II and it runs fine for Escape Velocity, but for some strange reason EVO runs very slowly and seems to skip frames ( no, I don't have caps lock on ) .

My system is as follows:

500 mhz K-6 II proccessor
128 megs of RAM
5400 rpm 6gb HD
TNT2 M64 PCI video card

The way I see it, there are a few possible causes:
1. My system is just too slow. ( seems unlikely though, considering EV is running at 78 fps and quite smoothly )
2. Under video modes in Basilisk , it says "If the refresh rates are all zeroes, your video adapter/driver does not support enumerating refresh rates. Update the driver software. Upgrading to a newer version of DirectX may help too.
Of course, it does show all the refresh rates at 0 hertz, but I have DirectX 8.1a and the newest possible drivers for the TNT ( 12.01 ).
3. EVO doesn't like some system setting.
4. I have System 7.5.3, maybe I should update it to 7.6?

The other problem is decoding under Basilisk II. I can run any file thats already decoded ( such as installers ) but, if I try to decode a file with the Windows version of Stuffit Expander ( even with all the cross platform options on for Macs ) Mac OS says it can't find the appropriate translations and/or extensions. Is there a way to solve this?

Thanks 😃



Originally posted by AnaerobicShark:
**4. I have System 7.5.3, maybe I should update it to 7.6?


I had System 7.5.3 for a while, and EVO worked fine under it, so that's not your problem. (Now, however, I have System 7.5.5.) 'Course, I also have a real-life, honest-to-goodness Macintosh.


hey man, u should use an emulator called ARDI Executer for Windows. I use it, its pretty good. And u dont need a Rom to use it, its just software, its shareware and runs really fast. (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")www.ardi.com(/url)

