Frozen heart broken... :-(

I've had a lot of trouble with this plugin. Appart from the intermittent freezing (Yes, i've read the thing about that in the manual), when I get quite far in the plot, about the time to kill (or just after) the Hunter-Killer, the game kinda breaks, and the plot just stops dead.

I can't get any more special missions from anywhere. It says "You'd better get this film back to the University on Earth!" and I go there and nothing.

Help would be appreciated.




Originally posted by scaryfish:
**I've had a lot of trouble with this plugin. Appart from the intermittent freezing (Yes, i've read the thing about that in the manual), when I get quite far in the plot, about the time to kill (or just after) the Hunter-Killer, the game kinda breaks, and the plot just stops dead.

I can't get any more special missions from anywhere. It says "You'd better get this film back to the University on Earth!" and I go there and nothing.

Help would be appreciated.

That's two different mission threads. Been too long for me to recall exactly what's next after killing the Hunter-Killer, but for the other one... 😉

Are you sure it says the University on Earth?
Remember, save early, save often.

"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." DNA
"And if it is on fire, it's probably the user's fault."

Yeah, sorry bout that. It's been a while since I played. I always get up to about that point and then no more plot. 3 times its happened, and I was getting a bit sick of it so I kinda gave up.

Mabey I'll try again one of these days. Sure is a great plugin!



University of Earth means UoE doesn't it?

--The Eye is Upon you--
If you look long enough the Sun isn't that bright.

Are you sure you were supposed to KILL the Hunter-Killer? Did you try disabling it? As I recall this is a major point in the charac ter's moral development.


The microfilm needs to go to the University's labs, located on Riga, where you went for graduation. And yes, the hunter-killer needs to be disabled.
