Feme Fatale i am stuck pleese help me!

i got 2 superfriehters but i can't get the last one.
i seen alana but since then noting has hapenned!!!

i woold be greatfull if you could helpp me pleese?

ps i cheated too get a big ship and i am renowed combat rating.

No one's balls are safe when I'm around!

This is a Stellar Salvage job, right? Maybe they have some tips for you.


ok I was stuck on this for ages.
After you have spoken to Alana she wont speak to you again, she says " I will contact you In a while"
But you have to do the stolen art set of missions first. Go into a bar in if I remember in the North western area and the text will say people are arguing. This developes into a long missions string but after you finish that you can go back to Rigel and Alana will tell you where the last frieghter is. After that you get a really sool ship and missions.

hope that helps

---Burning cow---
