F-25 v.2.0

a lot
about a year and a half
no idea

999,996 more to go
bomb makes this plug right?

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable"

There's your problem! See, F-25 will not work with ANY other plugs! Remove them, start a new pilot, and you should be okay...

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

I got in! I finslly got in! it's so cool!

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable"

Glad to be of service, welcome to the world of F-25!

Someone looking for their marbles...

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

It's hard!

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable"

"Good luck with it!"

'89 Macintosh= Windows 98
The Microsoft Corp= A Solitaire Game
--From A Real UE Supporter--The Truth Is Out There.
You know the best is out there, just don't ignore it.

Keep at it! F-25 is truely an ante-up!

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

Is it out yet? Oh please tell me it's out!!!

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

I havn't seen it :frown:

what do you do for the Explore the Galaxy mission? The guy says explore the nebula and come back later

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable"

I'm kind of enjoying the plug. I've found the missions to pop up few and far between, though I know they are there , and it's gotten me to play the damn game again after some time, or maybe that's my recent graduation...not sure. Still, the grammar! The spelling! nit nit nit

"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell

Hi Bomb ....Never played F25 but have played most of your other plugs or am in the middle of playing them..They are very good Riegn Of The Vononians is v-good and i am enjoying it but cant find the "Iorn Fist" any help would be cool.
I also wanted to say that u have done a good job on your plugs 🙂



I think

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" Man my ideas rock!

Just keep the 'explore the galaxy' mission in your info box, don;t abort it, and eventually it'll pop up...

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

Oh Alien, how I've missed thee.

I AM AN X-MAN...wait, that doesn't sound quite right...

Missed ME?? Who in the world would miss an old fart like me???

An inteligent moron

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon

Well, I haven't been around in a while and always enjoyed your posts. Hence the above posting which I personally, that is to say as a person, dit not that is to say captial N capital O capital T not that is to say capital N- captial O- captial T enjoy posting. (adds some hash marks to his hyphen tally)

I only put out for girls who appreciate a good book.

Ok, where and/or when can we get F-25v2.0? Also, I'm playing v1.4, and I can't really find any missions. I did (as far as I know) all the twylak(or whatever) missions, 2 consortium missions, and a few querin missions. Are there any others? And is there a way to work for the gelactus group to get those dreadnaughts?

Life: Terminal, unrecoverable, completely useless phenomonon - Me

will 2.0 allow you to use plugs while playing?

My very first EVO Chronichle called "The UE's Dread" Followed by the "U.E.S. Inconvertrable" Then "What Happened to Huron" finally "Ontario the Azdara"
What do you think?


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**will 2.0 allow you to use plugs while playing?




TCs never get along with other plugs!

sigh Is there ever a good EVO roleplaying experience?
AIM: StrikerDragon