About game-speed

Of some strange reason did I reduce the game-speed (to 80%) and completely forgot that I did so. When I finaly realized my mistake and re-adjusted it did I noted that it didn't only affected the speed itself, also the range of my weapons. Both primary and secondary. The AI's weapons wasn't affected at all. Thus, MP-ing was a destructive strategy. So, avoid changing the game-speed unless you love to ride escape-pods, or want to raise the difficulty level..

Segla i medvind

Nej du, sejlet er i modvind 😉


I did not know that Ask to Matt, he may be able to answer.

Well, we can begin to form a "coming-from-countries-where-english-not-spoken" group

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

...or crank the speed up a little and perhaps your weapons will reach further. It's because the duration of shots is calculated in absolute terms (seconds) and is unaffected by game speed.

I crank the game speed up to 225% (and set caps lock on) if my shields are low. Otherwise I get bored by the time the shields have recharged back up to 15%... I wade back into the fight, and get blown to pieces!

Otherwise, I don't think I've ever changed the game speed. Everything feels about right at 100%. Still, if you feel that the Monty Python is a fundamentally dishonest tactic, you could try dropping game speed, thus reducing the reach of your guns.

(This message has been edited by VoinianAmbassador (edited 05-30-2001).)

I don't mind Pythoning, but I only really do it against the Dreadnought.

Welcome to the boards, Ubbelubb!

Oh, by the way, Pedro,
Je parle français, mais j'habite en Amerique.

Let's see...they're diamonds on wheels. Cool.

Matt did that one purpose to discourage people from abusing the game speed.

--mikeeJ: Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy / Linux Zealot
Suggestions, complaints, comments? Feel free to email me: zergess@yahoo.com
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

Another interesting thing to note is that at maximum game speed (225%), the AI doesn't use certain slow-firing weapons. I am uncertain which specific weapons, but I think that SAD mods aren't fired. I just wish the same went for rockets. Dang Voinians . . .

I've never had any problem whatsoever dodging Voinian Rockets, they're way too slow.

So go on the internet game sites and bash all the PC users!


Originally posted by Dawnshine:
**Nej du, sejlet er i modvind


What did you just call me? 🙂


The same happens if you expand or reduce screen size.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 3. - Alpha Centuari

Now if you think it's to slow, and don't want to mess up the weapon strategies, you might consider speed plug 1.0 😉 (sorry, perfect time for an ad IMO).

Recursive: adj. See Recursive