What's the best weapon? (no plugs)

Huh? I'm trying to save the Hinwar on Gaulon in Voinian space.

None of these weapons is effective against Cruisers or Frigates.

Phase turrets, Blaze cannon, neutron cannons, Emalghia canons. No way.
Phase turrets?? I had 3. I'd sit there for 5 minutes, pummeling a Frigate. And this
is supposed to be the best??

I even had an escort of 5 Emalghia fighters to help me but they get wasted.

Use Blaze weapons against the Voinians.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
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i actually haven't tried defense pods a whole lot... i didn't know they were that good. anyway i stick with turrets, right now i have 2 neutrons, and 2 phase (blaze? the alien ones. i can't remember heh). I got the F-25 plug and I just got one of those big alien thingys (can't remember again) I'm thinking that was a bad idea... maybe... my beloved crescent warship!! gone!! after we'd been through so much!!!

anyway i was gonna say it's fun to put a bunch of space mines on a planet, and then demand tribute.... 🙂

PS: hi everyone i've been playing EV games for years... have yet to make a plug in

Hello Merlin. Welcome to the boards.

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."

i believe the plasma syphon is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, you just need to know how to use it

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!

Do Fighter bays count? If so, then the Azdara fighter is the best weapon. Six of the best fighters available, for about three times the size of a krait fighter bay. Excellent price too. All around a perfect weapon.

When did I go Insane?


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Use Blaze weapons against the Voinians.

No, sorry, neutrons. But neutron cannons, not turrets. If you want me to prove why neutrons are better than blazes, I can burrow out the good old demonstration I made in the UE/Voinians thread.
But I agree, phases (for overall use) are better than neutrons.

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?

I have the plasma siphon. It has done nothing to stop the Voinians.

Two blaze turrets and one neutron cannon are still not enough against
the Voinians.

The plasma siphon is for use against fighters. It doesn't damage armor very well.

Just max out on neutron cannons, and go kill Voinians.


Space mines. I had a arada and I maxed it out for nothing but space mines. I went into renegade space and had myself a fun time.

There is nothing like a catholic wedding to make you wish life had a fast forward button

I'd like to know wher to get the forklift, and how do you get the drednoght? :eek:

Well the forklift is an easter egg, and to get it there is this long process, something like you hold down x or something while the credits are running. Someone else here will know the specifics. It is kind of cheating though, and you can't get rid of it (I don't think). You will know that it works when you hear the words "They tried to kill him with a forklift!"

The dreadnaught can be taken over if you do something like hyper in, abort the mission and then board it and pray like hell is rising. Some guy did this (or at least he said he did) ages ago and bragged about it, but then someone shot him or he had a system error or something. The easier way is to get a plug in.

Hope I helped.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

The best weapons:
2 phase turrets
2 swiv cannons
pursuits (The best projectile in the game)
Needles (Theyre bad, but take up no space except for a small launcher)
and either a nifty green or nifty blue paint job.

other nice shooting thingies:
azdara bay
Neutron anything

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Plasma Siphon - it can take out fighters rather nicely, not to mention Turncoats and UE Destroyer level ships when you have a good enough ship to take the punishment :). And of course the unique benefit that in 1.0.2 it puts back the fuel it uses, faster than it uses it even, I think. Once I got caught in UE space with no cannons / turrets as I was heading back to Voinian space to purchase Neutron ones - took out whatever ailed me with the PS.. for no cost.

Everyone will probably think I'm weird for this, but it's needle missiles. They're fast, you can carry loads, and they're not very effected by asteroids.

In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
Some Kebab Skewers and
A bicyle chain.

Probably the best weapon against fighters is Blaze
~the best weapon against Strand ships is Phase
~against renegades is Phase
~against Voinians is Neutron
~against UE is Phase/Needles

Overall the best is Phase, but needles can be used anywhere

Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)


Originally posted by MartiNZ:
Plasma Siphon - it can take out fighters rather nicely, not to mention Turncoats and UE Destroyer level ships when you have a good enough ship to take the punishment:). And of course the unique benefit that in 1.0.2 it puts back the fuel it uses, faster than it uses it even, I think. Once I got caught in UE space with no cannons / turrets as I was heading back to Voinian space to purchase Neutron ones - took out whatever ailed me with the PS.. for no cost.

Eh, the Plasma Siphon stinks. Get Phase or Blaze. Doesn't take up your fuel (like in EVO 1.0.2), and you can easily buy them without working for the Igadzra (ick).

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).