your ship order

what was everybody's ship order. I'm new to this game so i don't really know which ships i should get.


Shuttle-Scoutship-Miranu Courier (although, sometimes I get a Freight Courier and stick with it)-Lazira-CW-whatever you want.

That's usually my order, unless I want to work for the UE, in which case after the Miranu Courier (which I can kill Voinian ships with, even fighters) I get a UE Destroyer, then Carrer, then Cruiser.

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
(url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url)

  • Shuttle

  • Scoutship

  • Helian

  • Freight-courier

  • sometimes: UE Destroyer

  • Crescent Warship or Arada

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")




Lazira or UE Cruiser(depending on your available funds)

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."


Originally posted by Imperial Phoenix:



Lazira or UE Cruiser(depending on your available funds)


This is the best way to go, unless you would prefer doing cargo runs. In that case, you would want to get the Miranu Courier.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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~Crescent Warship~

Whatever I want 😉

Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)

- Shuttle

- Scoutship

- Miranu Courier

- UE Destroyer

- Crescent Warship

- UE Cruiser

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 5. - Alpha Centuari

p-shah! all you fools who like large hulking ships that die whenever they find a large amount of Voinian warships or igazras, for me, its pure fighters, heres my order:

*miranu courier
*azdara(fitted right, it can kill the largest fleet without dieing!!!!)

oh, im raving again, sorry

what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
may your stories live on, Douglas Adams, and may the mice find the true question of life, the universe, and everything

It's rather hard to get "killed" if you use the "hulking ship" to capture lots of other hulking ships.............

With 6 Azdgari Warships each with a full complement of Azdgari fighters it is rather hard to be destroyed.........

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."

UE Fighter --> UE missions.
Scoutship --> Paaren mission.
UE Fighter --> UE missions.
Crescent Fighter
(Sometimes Zidara)

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon

The scoutship sucks.

The less expensive UE Transporter is better armoured, better shielded, flies faster and carries more cargo. And you get a solar panel too! It carries one less gun than the scoutship and has half the range... but are you really going to travel far from home and look for trouble so early in the game?

When I downloaded the Fourth Reich plug, I was impatient. I started a new pilot file and went to the new systems while I was still in my transporter. That is one nasty galaxy, full of aggressive and over-powerful aliens... but my transporter was (just about) fast enough and strong enough to keep me out of trouble. ship order, therefore, is:

  • Shuttle (keep for quite a while; use money to hire escorts for fertiliser run)

  • UE Transporter

  • Arada (these really should be more expensive - they're great!)

  • Lazira

  • Crescent Warship

  • Igazra or UE Cruiser

Occasional detours include a spell in an Azdara, or perhaps a Voinian Cruiser. That's my ship order. Oh, and I'll have fries with that.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

(This keyboard has been posessed by Satan (typos 05-18-2001).)

(This message has been edited by VoinianAmbassador (edited 05-18-2001).)


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
but are you really going to travel far from home and look for trouble so early in the game?

I use the Scoutship's range to make contact with the Miranu and do some of the missions into Voinian space. Range is important there.

David Arthur
Talon Plugin for Classic EV: (url="http://"")

• Shuttle
• Crescent Warship
• Strand vessel/UE or Voinian Cruiser

I keep it simple. Spend years in the Shuttle, slowly building a trade empire. After at least 20 million is raised, I go out and buy a Crescent Warship and upgrade it nicely. I take it to a human independant system, and plunder from renegades. From their, do whatever missions you chose, and get one of the Five best ships in the game:

•UE Cruiser
•Voinian Cruiser

From here, I do whatever I please.

When did I go Insane?

UE cruiser
(my UE-Azdgari pilot)

Igadzra perhaps V.Cruiser
(my Voinian-Igadzra pilot)

You'ld be surprised how much damage a modified freight-courrier or destroyer with dospect armor can cause in crescent renegade space. And you can capture them too.

As you'll see, most people tend to say something like this:
scoutship (or helian or transporter or miranu courrier)
CW, Igadzra, Cruiser (V. or UE), Azdara, Zidara
Just get yourself in an Arada or Lazira.
What do I put in here?

(This message has been edited by Fallen (edited 05-20-2001).)

UE Cruiser

Im the captain of the Red
Destiny VI, don't mess
with me i cheat!






Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**The scoutship sucks.

The less expensive UE Transporter is better armoured, better shielded, flies faster and carries more cargo. And you get a solar panel too! It carries one less gun than the scoutship and has half the range... but are you really going to travel far from home and look for trouble so early in the game?

When I downloaded the Fourth Reich plug, I was impatient. I started a new pilot file and went to the new systems while I was still in my transporter. That is one nasty galaxy, full of aggressive and over-powerful aliens... but my transporter was (just about) fast enough and strong enough to keep me out of trouble.

The last time you mentioned this, I looked up the ship stats for the (url="http://"")scoutship(/url) and the (url="http://"")transporter(/url).

Here they are:
Speed 200
Acceleration 187
Turning 270°/sec
Shields 25
Armor 5
Guns Maximum of 3
Turrets Maximum of 1
Weapon Space 30 tons
Cargo Space 40 tons
Fuel 8 Jumps
Jump Time 1 Day
Length 18m
Mass 50 tons
Crew 2
Regeneration 80

Standard Outfits:
2 Blaze Cannon

Ship Price: 100,000 cr

Speed 250
Acceleration 150
Turning 180°/sec
Shields 30
Armor 10
Guns Maximum of 2
Turrets Maximum of 1
Weapon Space 25 tons
Cargo Space 60 tons
Fuel 4 Jumps
Jump Time 1 Day
Length 20m
Mass 80 tons
Crew 5
Regeneration 120

Standard Outfits:
1 Blaze Turret

Ship Price: 75,000 cr

Now let's compare them. The transporter is slightly faster, but its lower acceleration and much lower turning make it far less manueverable. You can run straight faster in a transporter, but changing course will be more difficult -- a major need in dogfighting and avoiding missiles, for example, important skills against renegades ((url="http://"")kraits(/url) are impossible to outrun in either ship, and needle missiles have good targeting, which means that it is difficult to avoid them). The transporter has slightly better shields and armor. This is one of the few reasons I would ever buy a transporter, even though the margin is small enough to not make much of a difference. The transporter has one less gun slot -- the scoutship has 50% more cannon firepower. Obviously, this is pretty significant. The scoutship has 5 tons more weapon space -- not incredibly important, but one more of the small details that make the scoutship better. The transporter has a good deal more cargo space. This can be important later, but not in the early stages of the game -- where the best ways to get money are (url="http://"")Stellar Corp. missions(/url) that require a maximum of 15 tons of cargo (except for freight deliveries, which pay no better than the more efficient rush deliveries). The scoutship has double the range, which is important early in the game, when the pilot is still trying to explore the universe. Personally, I wouldn't wait for a better ship to start exploring; I just buy a scoutship as soon as I can and start roaming the galaxy. If you don't explore now, many of the bigger ships are slower and have a smaller fuel range, making it much more difficult to explore later in the game. The jump time is equal and irrelevant. The slightly larger transporter (yes, I know I'm reaching here) is an easier target, though this makes very little to no difference. The transporter's crew is larger -- but is there anything worth taking that you can capture with a transporter? The scoutship's shields regenerate faster, largely nullifying the transporter's raw shield and armor power advantage. Next, the scoutship comes with two blaze cannons instead of the transporter's single turret. The advantages of the scoutship here are debatable, but in my view, two guns are better than one. The cannon has slightly longer range, and autopilot is very effective in keeping a target in front of you (especially with the better turning of the scoutship). Finally, the scoutship costs 25,000 credits more -- the equivalent of one SC rush delivery or two UE rush deliveries. Clearly, this isn't much of a margin.

All in all, it should be obvious the scoutship is better. The transporter wins in exactly four categories -- raw speed, where the scoutship can still run circles around the lumbering transporter because of the latter's slow acceleration and turning; shields and armor, largely nullified by the scoutship's faster regeneration rate; cargo capacity, which is not as important in the early stages of the game where cargo deliveries require much less space; and cost, where the margin is very small, nearly insignificant. The scoutship wins, hands down, in my view.

<edit> Whoops, forgot the prices -- well, they're there now. </edit>

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Reality continues to ruin my life." -- Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 05-21-2001).)

Thanks for replying, Shayborg. It's a pleasure to match wits with you, as always.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The transporter has one less gun slot -- the scoutship has 50% more cannon firepower...

...The advantages of the scoutship here are debatable, but in my view, two guns are better than one. The cannon has slightly longer range, and autopilot is very effective in keeping a target in front of you (especially with the better turning of the scoutship

Doesn't a blaze turret have twice the rate of fire of a the basic gun? The other turrets don't, but I seem to remember that the blaze functions the way its graphic implies. That makes it two guns each (initial) and three guns each (max), effectively.

Front-mounted weapons have a longer range than turreted ones, sure... but you'd still have one front-mounted blaze... so you still could chip away at anything, if the Monty Python is your thing.

BTW, who uses autopilot in a dogfight? Sounds like a great way to buy the farm to me.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The scoutship has 5 tons more weapon space

Not if I exchange 15 tons of cargo space for ten tons of weapon space, it doesn't.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The transporter has a good deal more cargo space. This can be important later, but not in the early stages of the game.

Most people trade early in the game, and then fight later. You don't need a large hold once you can finance yourself by running blockades and killing enemy fleets. The only time you need a big hold is early on, before you can afford something powerful.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The scoutship has double the range, which is important early in the game, when the pilot is still trying to explore the universe.

The UE Transporter has effectively infinite range, because it has a solar panel, which acts like a kind of fuel scoop. This on a ship that only costs 75,000cr... at a time when you probably can't afford a fuel scoop, nor spare space for one.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**Personally, I wouldn't wait for a better ship to start exploring; I just buy a scoutship as soon as I can and start roaming the galaxy. If you don't explore now, many of the bigger ships are slower and have a smaller fuel range, making it much more difficult to explore later in the game.

I'm sure that you and I know the game well enough that we don't really need those eight jumps. I have been known to contact the Miranu while I'm still in a Shuttle. Further (see the note about solar panels, above) you can't get stranded in a Transporter.


Originally posted by shayborg:
**The scoutship's shields regenerate faster, largely nullifying the transporter's raw shield and armor power advantage.

With these itty-bitty ships, it's not so much about recharging your shields to fight again as it is about surprising that initial 'bounce' and living long enough to make it to your next jump. For that, I choose more shields and armour, rather than the long-term benefit of faster repairs. What are you doing in these ships anyway? Starting World War IV?


Originally posted by shayborg:
**Finally, the scoutship costs 25,000 credits more -- the equivalent of one SC rush delivery or two UE rush deliveries. Clearly, this isn't much of a margin.

25,000cr isn't much money once you've got a ship you're happy with... but when you're flying around in a shuttle and trying to earn the purchase price, it's a more significant sum.

I still think the UE Transporter remains a viable alternative.


I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

I noticed something about the Transporter.. It has a blind spot!

If I'm running from a Helian, or some other ill-gotten bastard, and I turn to where we are going to the exact direction, so that I am facing away on a parallel line, my turrent stops firing..


And those solar panels, do they really recharge fuel? I don't remember that happening..

A pissed-off roleplayer

Hi! I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
I'm big, mad, strong, and Hinwar! I yell 'LONG LIVE THE UE!', but I smash vikimadegie lovers every chance I get! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk! I'm always making the mods mad doing something or another, but I'll never learn! I'll never turn! Look at my karma! Cause I'm Alien the Hinwar and I'm a stuiped jerk!
AIM: StrikerDragon


Doesn't a blaze turret have twice the rate of fire of a the basic gun? The other turrets don't, but I seem to remember that the blaze functions the way its graphic implies. That makes it two guns each (initial) and three guns each (max), effectively.

I'm not so sure.... I don't think a single blaze turret is faster than two blaze
cannons, and if it's more powerful...... <shrugs> In practice it doesn't do well
at all.


Front-mounted weapons have a longer range than turreted ones, sure... but you'd still have one front-mounted blaze... so you still could chip away at anything, if the Monty Python is your thing.

The range is really important, and not just for Monty Python. You get 2-3 more blasts
in on each pass you make.


BTW, who uses autopilot in a dogfight? Sounds like a great way to buy the farm to me.

Autopilot, lock straight onto them, and charge. It's how I use the Spearhead, and
it works. Just hold down a few buttons and warships fall.


Not if I exchange 15 tons of cargo space for ten tons of weapon space, it doesn't.

And lose the cargo space? Honestly, though, weapon space isn't too important. Secondaries
only become valuable when you have either the speed or power to survive long enough, or
have sheer numbers of them.


Most people trade early in the game, and then fight later. You don't need a large hold once you can finance yourself by running blockades and killing enemy fleets. The only time you need a big hold is early on, before you can afford something powerful.

Actually, it's oft the other way round. Early on 15 ton missions are good, then easy
combat missions. Mass trading is good for mid-range, when you have around 500,000 credits
to spare.


The UE Transporter has effectively infinite range, because it has a solar panel, which acts like a kind of fuel scoop. This on a ship that only costs 75,000cr... at a time when you probably can't afford a fuel scoop, nor spare space for one.

No. That's not true. It's just a graphic.


I'm sure that you and I know the game well enough that we don't really need those eight jumps. I have been known to contact the Miranu while I'm still in a Shuttle. Further (see the note about solar panels, above) you can't get stranded in a Transporter.

8 jumps does help. On the first stretch of the game, just when you have a
Scoutship, you're saving about 15 seconds every 60 seconds in jump time with the higher
jump time. It helps.


With these itty-bitty ships, it's not so much about recharging your shields to fight again as it is about surprising that initial 'bounce' and living long enough to make it to your next jump. For that, I choose more shields and armour, rather than the long-term benefit of faster repairs. What are you doing in these ships anyway? Starting World War IV?

I prefer the recharge rate. It makes Spearheads possible, gives you a much greater
durability when you're out there defeating armies (no joke) and although the armour
gives the Transporter power to beat a Crescent Fighter one on one easily, the Scoutship
would last longer against, say, a Voinian Frigate, a much more dangerous foe at that


25,000cr isn't much money once you've got a ship you're happy with... but when you're flying around in a shuttle and trying to earn the purchase price, it's a more significant sum.

About a minute to get that much money, maybe two. Not much at all.....

They'll be more later.

"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon