Paaren Station

Well I think I've screwed up. I totally finished the UE missions into Voinian Space. Now I can't seem to get paaren station to finish building, also On the UE cruiser mission I screwed up and blew up the nadir, is there any way without recreating, to actually finish that mission. I have absoluetly no problems with cash at my time right now, 150 million credits no cheating, Making around 50k or so credits a day. Finished the azdargi missions.

first of all, you get the paaren station missions in the mission menu(not the spaceport bar) and the way to get the nadir again is to land, and go back to the system where you first saw the nadir, it should be back again, newbie

welcome to the boards!

what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
may your stories live on, Douglas Adams, and may the mice find the true question of life, the universe, and everything

You can still finish the Pareen station missions, check the mission computers around UE space. There should be a mission labelled "UE delivery to Pareen Station or something like that. There will be three of those, then you'll be contacted in the bar with the final mission of the series.

If you didn't finish the Nadir mission (like actually going back to the finish point), you can abort the mission and get it again, and the Nadir should be back. If you did complete the mission, there is no way to bring back the Nadir if you killed it off, unless you're willing to cheat. Sorry.

American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

(This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-18-2001).)

You get the first (after the rescue defector) paaren station missions on a UE bar (?)
then you've a couple mission-computer-missions.
after those you go to Knox were you'll find another 2 missions in the bar.

Unless you hexedit, you'll have to do the mission again.

What do I put in here?

(This message has been edited by Fallen (edited 05-19-2001).)

sigh damnit, no UE cruiser for me :frown: Hmm I was looking in the mission stuff with EV Edit and it showed that you had to get them for a specific government of the voinian on the mission computer, hmm guess I miss read that.


Perhaps you can go back to freeport for the mission, but I don't know you'll get the mission again.

What do I put in here?

I have the perfect utility for you. The Pilot File editor can unset mission bits, simply put, it wipes out what you did. Using EVEdit to find the mission number, you can eliminate just that part of your file and redo the AB mission, and get a UE Cruiser.

How do you make so much money every day? Plundering, tribute, or trading?

When did I go Insane?

tribute. that's the only way you make money everyday. i make 70,000.


After a while, though, tribute gets boring, especially once you conquer every planet and get 300000 a day, like i do, or did, my file got deleted(lousy new computers, having to change with all that stuff and all)

what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
may your stories live on, Douglas Adams, and may the mice find the true question of life, the universe, and everything