Strand Missions

I've finished the Igadzra missions and want to move on to missions with the other strands. Is there any way to get good with the Zidagars and Azgardis? Does blowing up your ship so that no one hates you let you start missions with the other strands? Does blowing up your ship void your previous missions?

You have to start a new pilot to do the others

The Zidager missions start on Pozdag-3 and the Azdgari start on South Tip Station

You have been overriden by Overrider You know longer can live

There is a bit set that prevents you from doing any other strand's missions. You can start over, or download "Triple Agent" from the EV:O Addons page.


"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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