
While im waiting for Nova (like everyone else) i have started to play good old EVO again and i have a question... I have tried to become a member of the Azdgari (to get acsess to their military equipment/ships) but it dont seam to work. I have killed like 100000 zidaras and igazras, and im "the highest pillar of society" or something in all Azdgari system and i even have Ultimate combat skill, i still dont get any missions. Is it even possible to join the azdgari (like u can with Zidagar,Zachit, Vonians etc)??
Im greateful for any help..

Prepare to die Cap'n Hector!

In order to get a more full answer, I am moving this topic to the EVO board where it belongs. To get to the EVO board, use the popup menu at the bottom right hand side of the page. 🙂

Cookie @ ATMOS


Stop tampering with my posts lol.

Prepare to die Cap'n Hector!

You may be of the highest quality in Azdgari space but the mission to become an Azdgari is at South Tip Station

You have been overriden by Overrider your computer is dead!

Have you done the UE/Miranu missions?

"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."

Yea but not with the same pilot. Do i have to?

Prepare to die Cap'n Hector!

Basically, to get any strand mission you need to complete the Trade Relations mission between the Miranu and the UE, get a good combat rating, and then go to the starting place for whatever strand you wish to work for. The one for the Aggies happens to be on South Tip Station, as Overrider720 mentioned.

Remember, I'm just text on your screen.

AiM: CrazyJ617 | Bnet: Flatulence | (url="http://"") Test your Reflexes (/url)

Probably just adding the obvious, but if your pilot has played, or even started, any of the other Strands' threads, you'll not get offered either of the other's (unless of course you download Triple Agent).


Im a little confused. I was told to got to the South tip station but i cant find it. The only south tip station i found was strandless and in the lower of the nebulas (a long way from any azdgari or any strand). So can anybody tell me if the advise was correct and were to go?

Prepare to die Cap'n Hector!

Does the Igadzra mission string start on an Igadzra planet? No. Same with the Azdgari mission string. Go to South Tip Station (the one that you've already found) and you should be able to start the mission string there. Be forewarned: you need a ship that can make jumps in one day.

All hail his Burchness!

(This message has been edited by Mercury9 (edited 05-16-2001).)

I congratulate you. You have only registered this month, and yet you have spelld 'Azdgari' right in the topic title. A breath of fresh air.

In keeping with the middle ages theme of today's Blue Peter, we'll be learning how to make our own Iron Maiden.
You will need: Some Thick Cardboard
Some Kebab Skewers and
A bicyle chain.

Just go to South Tip station, make sure you have a nice combat rating, make sure South Tip Station likes you, and just go to the bar and hope you get the mission. You also have to complete a few other missions, but i'm not sure which ones...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Okay, I already finished the missions for the Azdgari, up to the point where I helped the shields scientist to make a prototype of a faster shield rate upgrade. He says that it is barely better than a normal shield upgrade, but definately needs more work on it. Can I continue that string any further?

Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)

Yes; get an ultimate combat rating and go to Xarnes (One of the moons of Azdgari) to start the final Azdgari string. Good luck!

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)