f-25... Y WONT U WORK!?!?!?!

okay i downloaded f-25 and then when it was unstuffin it (i think thats what its called... u know, the thing it does after u download it from the site) it said a disk related error (-39) prevented the operation from concluding. so i downloaded it again... same thing. has any1 else had this problem... plz offer any advice u can. thx.

oh... BTW my computer is an imac (not sure exactly what kind... but i know its one of the earlier ones, possible the earliest model). ive download a few other plugins with no problems.


Try downloading the latest verison of Stuffit Expander from (url="http://"http://www.aladdinsys.com")http://www.aladdinsys.com(/url)

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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ALRIGHT! it worked... i should have thought of that.



Originally posted by GreenZacha:
**ALRIGHT! it worked... i should have thought of that.


No problem 😛

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. " - General George Patton
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