Cresent Warship VS UE Cruiser

Im kinda new to EVO, but im an old timer at EV, so forgive me for asking stupid questions.

I have just completed the mission string which allowed me to purchase the UE cruiser, but when i took my wonderful new ship for a bit of a spin i found that it was rather difficult to move around in. It is SO SLOW!!!

With that in mind, I am considering purchasing another cresent warship instead. My question is what do people around here think of the UE Cruiser? is it to slow, or am i just really crap? is the problem that i am using voinian turrets? or is the cresent warship actually a better choice?

any replies (on both sides) would be appreciated




One thing you should try is to purchase a speed upgrade and a RCS upgrade (which increases your turning rate).
The closest place I know of to get those is Mira, on Mirava (I think)
Hope it helps! 🙂

What in the world is going on? Just keep looking it has to be out there, now that I found it what do I do?

I'd probably go with the UE Cruiser. More space, more cargo, and much more armor and more shields. Just get RCS, Thrust, and Engine Upgrades.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
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Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

I have purchased the 3 speed upgrades already, and i am still having difficulties.

This may be exagerated by fighting large numbers of pesky little Azdaras, and being swarmed under by the nasty little buggers (im helping the Zidagar).

another thing, should i try to have a mix of turrets? say, 3 voinian turrets (i forget the correct name) and 2 blaze turrets? would this be practical?



Get the UE Cruiser. Then, outfit it with those 3 speed upgrades. Then, get as much extra armor as you can get, and buy 5 phase turrets (they work best against Azdaras).

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Very few people would consider the Crescent Warship to be their final goal in the game. It's not really a battleship at all... think of it as a cruiser.

Meanwhile, the UE Cruiser isn't really a cruiser. In contempory naval terms it's more of an assault carrier. Some players here like the UE Cruiser because it has a very large crew, and you can soon find yourself with a fleet of six good, captured escorts such as Igazras, bounty hunter CWs, etc. The UE Cruiser will always be slow, however. It's a ship in which you have to gamble on being able to wade in and destroy the enemy before they destroy you. Disengaging is almost impossible.

If I had a fancy flying style which involved luring away and culling isolated enemies, I'd want the CW. If I was the kind of person who likes to wade in and deliver broadsides, I'd want the UEC. That UEC would have Dospect armour on it, and shield upgrades too.

Personally, though, my ship of choice is a Igazra. Just fast enough to stay in control of the ebb and flow of the battle, yet heavy enough to indulge in mayhem when necessary. Why don't you try to capture an Iggy and use it as your personal ship? Hmm, but you might run out of SAEs and not be able to sell off the launchers. Rats. I dunno.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

You might try the tractor beam also. I personally have had success with it against azdara.

I would say with a lot experience of EVO that neither the crescent warship or UE Cruiser is very good. The best thing to get is the Igazra (avilable after you have been doing the Igadzra mission string a while). The Igazra has far more shields than either ( a rating of 500 shields!) and is faster and more manoeverable than either. It doesn't have any fighters but with the power of an Igazra (5 phase turrets, 2 dispersal launchers and 3 SAE launchers) you simply don't need them. On the other hand if you really want fighters you can easily buy a bay. My advice is get an Igazra but don't buy it - capture it - Igazras are easier to capture than most warships (most don't believe this but I actually captured one with a shuttle once!).



The UE cruiser has 10 times the crew of and has lot of outfitting space.
If you want more speed then the 3 upgrades buy an afterbutner and a fuel scoop.
This gives you the ability to dodge (disruption) rockets.
If the azdaras bug you, get disruption rockets.
I can't tell you much more because I like to side with the azdgari.
They give you an aditional turning upgrade.
Also get dospect and sell of your heavy launchers (rocket and huter)
Good luck.

What do I put in here?

Crescent Warship all the way - IF you can handle it right.

If you care about speed, keep the Crescent Warship. If you don't, get a UE Cruiser
or Voinian Cruiser. If you feel you're in between..... Go for the Crescent Warship.

After all, an Arada can do whatever you need of it, so it isn't THAT important.

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

UE Cruiser. Even without speed upgrades, it will make short work of most other ships. You can take on a Voinian Frigate head on and bag it with half your shields still left. And with speed upgrades, it can almost match a CW for speed anyway. It costs 1.5 million credits more, but I think that's a bargain.

EGOTIST, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.
LOQUACITY, n. A disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
(url="http://"")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon

Crescent Warship! For one thing, I consider speed a decicive factor since it's only the AIs you battle, and that plus modest shields (250) and good firepower (especially when boosted even more) are a good combination. But if you're a power-lover or just have the urge to wreak havoc, get the Cruiser. Stick some phase turrets on it, sell hunter missile and rocket launchers, get LOTS of Pursuit missiles (they're good against armor and shields) and 3 launchers. Then maybe add 2 Mass Expansions and buy some speed upgrades. Presto. The ultimate super warship. Aside from an Igazra with all the above upgrades (and it has room for even more!).

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free? Visit (url="http://"")Starbase Delta(/url) today!

I still remember the first time I bought a UE Cruiser. I traded in the keys to my CW, handed over some additional credits, and launched. No idea where I found several hundred additional crew at such short notice, but it's just a game...

The first thing that struck me: Wow - this baby's big! The sprite for the ship blotted out just about all of planet Earth.

The second thing that struck me: A hail of Voinian rockets. Not only is the UE Cruiser slower than the CW, it has a much bigger sprite. This means that things often hit you when they might have sailed harmlessly by if you had been in a Lazira or something. This reduces the survivability of the ship - don't be fooled into judging in terms of shield and armour strength alone.

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

The biggest disadvantage to capturing an Igazra is the SAE's. (Assuming you are working for another strand**) The reason is that you can not remove them. The UE Cruiser with speed upgrades is as fast as an non upgraded cresent warship. It has more turrets more space and UE Fighters. A lot of people do not like fighters but they are one of the most tactical weapons. I attack with my fighters and that has worked well for me. Also you can disengage from all the large targets bigger than the cresent warship. Overall the UE Cruiser is the most balenced large warship. I would also like to add a side note concerning hunter missles. They work well in astroid fields. Why do people not like them? I have used rockets but they like the d. rockets cause collateral dammage to my ship and fighters when fighting closely with an enemy. Another quick question? Does anyone else use D. Pods? I do. They rock especially if you have a cloak. I am more dangerous with my shields down than when up.

I say forget them both. Depending on what strand you work for, always go with the strands primary ship. In your case, the Zidara is a lot better than either of those two ships. Almost as fast as most fighters, it can make quick hyperspace jumps and has an escort of two Zidagar fighters. All in all, a nice ship, and easy to afford too.

If you must chose from one of those two ships though, go with the UE cruiser. If upgraded right, it is almost as fast as a crescent warship and far more powerful. Besides, I like having fighters!

Hooray! 100 posts! (I've been here for four months, so thats 25 posts a month)

When did I go Insane?

Yes, the Zidara is by far the best of those, because with upgrades you can use
fighter tactics, which makes it priceless. Evading Crescent fighters and then
being able to outmanouevre them is much better than having sheer power
that wears down.

100 posts in 4 months? Really? I got 1000 posts in 2 months with SilverDragon -
20 times more posts than you per month. Wow..... Anyway, fresh start here with

"Like I said, I'm awfully sorry for killing you, but the voices were insistant."

I vote for the CW. The UE Cruiser is made to carry fighters to their goal and let them do for all but the thoughest opponents (Voinian Cruiser, Dreadnought ). Furthermore the CW can be a final goal in itself. Just work with Azdgaris, buy an Azdara bay and all speed upgrades, and destroy any UE Cruiser you see

Y'a personne qui parle français ici?


Originally posted by Cap'n Narmio:
**Im kinda new to EVO, but im an old timer at EV, so forgive me for asking stupid questions.

I have just completed the mission string which allowed me to purchase the UE cruiser, but when i took my wonderful new ship for a bit of a spin i found that it was rather difficult to move around in. It is SO SLOW!!!

With that in mind, I am considering purchasing another cresent warship instead. My question is what do people around here think of the UE Cruiser? is it to slow, or am i just really crap? is the problem that i am using voinian turrets? or is the cresent warship actually a better choice?

any replies (on both sides) would be appreciated



UE Cruiser. Always. Push the game speed up to around 150-160%, buy the upgrades, equip with Dospect Armour, shield enhancers, phase turrets, ECM, Rockets or Disp. Rockets and a tractor beam and you can quite literally take on any three ships in the game simultaneously and win.

NB--if you're fighting Voinians, equip with Blaze instead of Phase turrets.


Grubs! That's what we're gooing to eat! That's why they call it grub! And what're we gonna do to get the grub? Why, we're grubbing for it!

I would keep the Cresent Warship: fast and 2 day jump time over the Cruiser's yawn-full turning and speed and a disgusting three day jump.
For the CW, i would sell the bays and two the three accel, RCS and speed upgrades, max out on shield upgraders and get the armour as well. This way the CW still has the weaponry and is upgraded heavily.

/me wonders if Nova has hyperdrive upgrades ala that silly Star Wars plug

OOh, arrr! It's Ambrosia(aar)!!!
If anyone needs a story guy to help with a plug-in, i can help: mission breifings and description for outfits, ships, planets etc. e-mail