appeal for plug-in graphics

Erm...well i'v been working on this plug-in idea I have for about the last 3 weeks...

problem is I cant make and decent graphics for ships/weapons/outfits/anything

so I'm appealing to all those out there who possibly wish to participate in a fairly big total replaement plug-in project for evo.

So far I have made the government resources, about 10 ship resources and some major storyline plots...

no one will be paid (heck..i'm only a schoolkiddy) but anyone who gives help shall get rewarded with the satisfaction of making a snazzy plug-in that has a kick-ass storyline and cool personalities and stuff....

erm...well thats about it.... 😄


This should really be on the dev board. Mod near? If so, please move it to the dev board.

Recursive: adj. See Recursive