Legal Status

for the record, I ALREADY checked the FAQ for this question.

Does your legal rating affect the size of a defense fleet?

I keep trying to kill all of them, but they never stop ending(No, i'm not using phase cannons i'm using emalga turrets with a fleet of 5 UE fighters, 4 CWs, and two Lazira's. I'm in a UE cruiser), I've been playing for about an hour with the legal status of "Most Wanted" in the Obron system.
12 Voinian Cruisers
countless interceptors/heavy fighters
countless frigates.



Smash the symbols of the empire in the name of nothing but the hearth´s longing for grace...
Hakim Bey´s Poetic Terrorism

Legal status doesn't affect the size of a defense fleet, but location does. If the planet/station you choose takes too long to dominate, try a different one (unless you've got your heart set on conquering Obron.) If you're in Voinian space, I suggest either Naogza or Outpost Topel. Or Durala if you want a bit more of a challenge.

American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

Yes, Go for minor planets. One Voinina defense fleet, i don't remember where, had nothing but shuttles and cargo transporters defending it. If you are really looking forward to a challenge, Demand tribute from Council Station! That took me all day!

When did I go Insane?

Outpost Topel - Defense fleet of captured UE shipping craft (a few shuttles, frighters, etc.) - Take three jumps or so down from Eghmalghon.

Meria - Defense fleet of one krait - Standless system near Igzadra space.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner..

"I wake, I work, I sleep, I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life has passed and all I've been, shall never touch the Earth again." - Ballad of skyfarm 5. - Alpha Centuari

yeah, go for the wimpy ones first, boost your money, then buy and azdara, and have a lot of patience

what have I become, my sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away, in the end
"And the door closed with a satisfied ssssssh-aaaaah"
may your stories live on, Douglas Adams, and may the mice find the true question of life, the universe, and everything

go for the voinian system to the west of their space. it satarts with dsn. it only has freighters

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