Emulator needed!

I want to run EV and EVO on my PC but I don't want to install a full Mac OS and emulator.

Can anyone tell where I can find a program or something that will let me install and run them?

I want to play them with the minimum of fuss, any suggestions?


Well, as a Mac user, I can't vouch for this emulator, but it seems to be quite popular. Oh, and I believe emulation is your only solution, aside from getting a Macintosh.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

Who has the cash to pay the price Executor is asking for to play one game? And in black in white on a small screen crashing every other launch and other random intervals? Basilsk is working pretty well for me (it works anyway), I just have to find a way to install stuffit and evo on there...

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...


Originally posted by WarBeast:
**Who has the cash to pay the price Executor is asking for to play one game? And in black in white on a small screen crashing every other launch and other random intervals? Basilsk is working pretty well for me (it works anyway), I just have to find a way to install stuffit and evo on there...


Fine, I defer :p. Like I said, I am a Mac user, so I don't know much about it. My friend uses Executor, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad.

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake. " - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower

I have tried to download the executor demo 6 times already but no dice.
I'm trying basilsk coz its the only one that i could download.

Does anyone know if Fusion is any good?


I know a real Mac is pretty good...


Executor is actually quite good. It doesn't use a real MacOS, but it also doesn't require a Mac ROM image. Also, the current versino is color and stable. The only problem I had with it was its lack of sound. Plus its shareware, so you can try it for 30 days for free.

Softmac is also good but the shareware version has a memory limit that prevents it from running EVO, so I haven't tried it with that.

Basilisk requries Windows NT, so I haven't tried that, and I have not been able to get Fusion to work, so I don't know about its quality.

If you give a man a match, he will be warm for a day. If you light a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life.

(sorry if you didn't want to bring this up again, and i know as well that this doesn't have much to do with EVO.)

Basilisk II works without windows NT, as i am running it on 98.(right now as a matter of fact)

this is a tutorial of setting it up.

Everything on that page is supposed to be legal, as you still have to aquire your own rom :)You can find a link in an article about it at (url="http://"http://www.Canadacomputes.com(for")www.Canadacomputes.com(for(/url) the rom. Vmac.com used to give out the rom for free.....legal? dunno.)

If you come across trouble with it such as "bad f-line" go to (url="http://"http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~hendy/help/badfline.html")http://homepages.ihu...p/badfline.html(/url)
