Does it work on OS 8.6?

I know the page says OS 9 or X but my old in the tooth Kanga G3 machine runs 8.6 much faster than 9. Has anyone tried running it with OS 8.6?



Originally posted by bsoplinger:
**I know the page says OS 9 or X but my old in the tooth Kanga G3 machine runs 8.6 much faster than 9. Has anyone tried running it with OS 8.6?

This is an error. The game runs well on 8.1+ systems.

Dee Brown
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PoG wouldn't run on my desktop G3 running OS 8.1 until I loaded OS 9.2. No trouble after that.


Seemed to work fine with mine, although I had some saving problems once in a while (I think it's unrelated though) But now I have 9.2, so it works fine anyway.

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ive been using 8.6 since the game came out, havent had any troubles at all

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I'm using a 180 megahertz machine running 8.6 (not to mention an 603e) and I haven't had any problems at all except for it running a touch slow