*stupid* Femme Fatale question

OK... I start a new game and land on Turkiye. Nothing happens. I swan around the galaxy for as long as my attention span lasts, checking out all the spots which I guessed might be mission-starters. Nothing. In order to avoid years of slow cash accumulation and save-scumming, slowly increasing combat rating, then visiting every single frikkin' system on the map, how do I get the missions to begin?

Did you install all the files? Femme Fatale is divided into several plug-ins, so it is possible to install the universe, but not the missions.

What should be in the plug-ins folder

EVO E3 Graphics
EVO E3 Game expander (both come with (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl?path=evo/plugins&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url))
EVO E3 Data Expander 1
EVO E3 Femme Fatale Music
EVO E3 Graphics Expander 1
EVO E3 Femme Fatale

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 05-09-2001).)

BlackDog has it right I believe. If you have problems after you install the
(assumed) missing folders he lists, then I would make a copy of the FF file and then take the FF plug-in out, trash it, reinstall the copy and then restart. The relaunch should
help reset the config for all of the files to recognize each other. Glad to hear there
is another FF warrior out there. I love it.


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people." (just kidding of course)

blackdog is probably right.

hmm...a lot of animals on this one...2 dogs, a tazmanian devil, and a beast. 🙂

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
Who are we to say who we are?