Lunatic Fringe

You know you are procrastinating when you start thinking about EVO rather than the thesis.

Does anyone here remember an After Dark third-party screen saver module called Lunatic Fringe (it's ten years old now) written by Ben Haller (formally?) of Stick Software, Ithica NY. Just cranked it up recently and thought "hey, this would make for a great set of ships, or concept kernel for EVO". As with the Lexx/B7 thread; has anyone out there looked at converting this - or does anyone know of Ben Haller's current contact details so that appropriate permission can be obtained? Apparently he also wrote a game called Solarian II




Yeah, I have that screen saver but the ships are no good.

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.


Originally posted by MichaelSas:
**Apparently he also wrote a game called Solarian II

I have that game. It's just another variation of those "space invaders" games. (You should all know what I'm talking about.)

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you first tried.
The future of "I give" is "I take".


Originally posted by MichaelSas:
You know you are procrastinating when you start thinking about EVO rather than the thesis.

So very true. Although Duke Nukem, Riven, Civilisation II and various MUDs also played a part. I got everything finished in the end though. Don't despair!

I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma. (url="http://"")New & Improved: Cerberus Station!(/url)
I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

So any clues as to where Ben Haller might be? Has anyone seen any recent work from him?

I'm still procrastinating with a deadline looming, but 100,000 words just seems so far away 😉

And to certain people who might not be getting the point, its not about whether the ships are lame or "no good". It's about paying a small tribute to a game you played when the most powerful Mac out ther was a 40Mhz Quadra with a wopping 40 Mb hard drive.




Originally posted by Avalanche:
**I have that game. It's just another variation of those "space invaders" games. (You should all know what I'm talking about.)


Lunatic Fringe! I love that game! Or... I used to...
I had it on a different computer, a long time ago. I would like to have it again, if anyone knows how/where to get it...

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.
Poirot smily lives on

Just out of interest, VoinianAmbassador, what did you do your thesis on?

And BattleDoctor, I think that Lunatic Fringe can still be got from the umich ftp archive (haven't been there for quite some time so not 100% sure. If you like, I could e-mail it to you (you would still need to have the AfterDark engine, which I believe that you can get for free these days from the Berkeley Systems web site)?




(This message has been edited by MichaelSas (edited 05-08-2001).)


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
Lunatic Fringe! I love that game! Or... I used to...
I had it on a different computer, a long time ago. I would like to have it again, if anyone knows how/where to get it...

Do a search for it on the net. It will run on the screen saver "The Dark Side of the Macintosh". (I found it on some MacAddict CD.)

"Whoopie! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me."
-Pete Conrad third man on the moon


Originally posted by MichaelSas:
**And BattleDoctor, I think that Lunatic Fringe can still be got from the umich ftp archive (haven't been there for quite some time so not 100% sure. If you like, I could e-mail it to you (you would still need to have the AfterDark engine, which I believe that you can get for free these days from the Berkeley Systems web site)?



Could you e-mail it to me please? I would greatly appreciate it.

"quote me, I'm cool, really" -Cone (StarStrafer)
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.
Poirot smily lives on