Zachit Mission

I'm doing the Zachit mission and am at the point where you must go and destroy all
the renegade vessels at the Rock. I destroyed them all but the game won't acknowledge that
I've finished the mission. Have I done it wrong perhaps? I can't see how that would be but

Most likely you missed a ship or two. Try it again, but this time destroy
EVERYTHING. Don't let anything get away. If it fails, just keep going back to
the system. And make sure to land at the Rock.

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

Whenever I get a 'destroy all ships in the system' mission I destroy EVERYTHING so that it's guarenteed. The Rock mission, if I remember, only involvles destroying 7 or so Crescent Warships, right? If there's anything else in the system, destroy it too. Even after you've destroyed all the required ships, destroy all other enemy ships in the system. For the mission I recommend a Voinian Cruiser because of its armor and the fact that Phase blasts hardly damage armor. Also, you could try something with a fighter bay and good fighters (two words: Azdgari Warship) and sic the fighters on the enemy warships while you swat the enemies' fighters. I hope this helps, and welcome to the boards!

Β—An insane telepathic cannibal

(This message has been edited by your local cannibal (Edited 5-8-01))

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free?

Hmmmm... I just did that mission last weekend. You must destroy all the bad guys in the system, and that's tough because those crescent fighters swarm your butt like nobody's business. Then you go to Zachit Station to watch the film of the destruction of the Rock and then you feel sad because the Zacha are almost all dead and the pirates remain (although the Rock is gone). Yeah, make sure you get all the pirates, but that was never a problem as far as I remember. They don't retreat or anything. Good luck.


The best ship for that mission is the Crescent Fighter, with speed upgrades and
a repulsor beam.

1. The renegade fighters can't catch you.
2. You have more durability, so you won't make a mistake against the last
warship in your Azdara and die.
3. You can outmanouvrer the fighter squads (takes some patience and careful moving
to get one to seperate from the pack) and thus destroy every one without a single
percent damage.
4. You can spearhead the warships (align button, fire button, forward button, then
take off forward after you've passed the warship by a way, turn round, heal shields
up, and do it again)

Problems with other ships:

  • UE Destroyer, Zidara, Lazira, Crescent Warship, Voinian Frigate, Azdgari Warship,
    UE Cruiser, Emalgha Warship
    **These ships really don't have the necessary power. They'll be swarmed and
    destroyed. **

  • Voinian Cruiser, UE Cruiser, Igazra
    **These ships, although strong, are likely to be overpowered. Voinian Cruiser
    with a huge number of needle missiles is sometimes good, as is a speed upgraded
    Igazra. **

  • Voinian Heavy Fighter, Voinian Interceptor, Emalgha Fighter, UE Fighter, Krait
    Not speedy enough.

  • Azdara
    Tool likely to make a mistake in.

  • Arada
    Second best choice. Fast enough when upgraded, and with more firepower.

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.


Originally posted by thomas:
I'm doing the Zachit mission and am at the point where you must go and destroy all
the renegade vessels at the Rock. I destroyed them all but the game won't acknowledge that
I've finished the mission. Have I done it wrong perhaps? I can't see how that would be but

did you land at outpost zachit? when i first did this mission i thought i had to land on the rock, then i read the mission again. it said to destroy the renegades at the rock, and then return to outpost zachit. hope that helps. πŸ™‚

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

You probably A) did not land on the correct stellar or πŸ†’ You didn't destroy all the Renegade vessels. I've accidentally done this several times, just try it again!

Hope you finish the mission!

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