
I need to know how to join the Voinions. Please help me.


Have no fear Titan is here, let me go get my cape. Go to the Pax station, and a Voinian will give yopu a mission, but you can't have done any of the UE mission.

This account is being controled by the Ambrosia secret police, DO NOT interfere with its misson, or you will will regret it.


Originally posted by Titan:
**Have no fear Titan is here, let me go get my cape. Go to the Pax station, and a Voinian will give yopu a mission, but you can't have done any of the UE mission.


I've gone their before and nothing happens, like no one asks me to join the Voinians.


The odds of gettting the mission are only 50%. Try leaving the system and returning, or re-opening your pilot file to make EVO recalculate the odds.


Originally posted by Krillin216:
**I've gone their before and nothing happens, like no one asks me to join the Voinians.


The Voinians probobly wouldn't give someone a chance to do a mission for them unless they are already enemies of the United Earth...

All jocks think about is sports. All nerds think about is sex. (Non-exact quote from Revenge of the Nerds)

There's a combat rating needed, I forget what exactly. But you can do UE missions up to the defector mission, if you do that, you can't join.

BTW, I quick way to up your combat rating is going to a UE Fronier base and watch the battles for a bit, whenever the UE gets a Voinian disabled, swoop in and destroy him. (if this hurts the possiblities of doing the mission, do it the other way around)

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
Always remember where you put your ship's keys, floating to the next system can get downright cold...

As I recall, you need to be a offender at Pax and not be on good terms with the UE.

And if you want to rack up combat points AND do well with the UE, do as WarBeast said, but attack UE ships instead.

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

All you need is a "fair" combat rating, and you can't have done the "Rescue Voinian Defector" mission for the UE yet. If you enter the Pax bar and you don't get the mission, accept a passenger mission from the misn computer and immediately abort it. This will reroll your mission odds. Check the bar once more, and if no mission awaits you, grab another useless passenger mission and abort it. Continue this until you get the mission.

P.S. It's spelled, "Voinians."

P.P.S. You like DBZ, huh? Yeah, i think it's a pretty cool show.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

I have to agree with Samurai, although I can't remember it quite clearly. I recall having to have at least a 'Dangerous' combat rating, and not have the UE too happy with you. Go to Pax station, go to the bar, and if you don't get the mission, do what Samurai said and keep getting and aborting missions from the mission computer, while checking the bar each time you abort something. Take it from me; the Voinian string was the first I ever did, and it's not NEARLY as hard as the UE String.

—A crazed insane cannibal

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free?

First go to the Pax bar then you will be asked to steal cargo from a frrontier express ship then you must assinate a UE admiral and its pretty self explaining after that

Good Luck

P.S. the string isn't that good though

It's at least an easier string than the UE, and it pays well too (I believe that to be compensation for the overpriced ships).

Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free?

Just to brag I got both the UE recrutement and the voinian recrutement missions at the same time and at the time I'm a voinian dreadnought with access to all UE and voinian ships, this includes the cruisers. the problem with the voinian dreadnought is you dont keep your fighters or your rocket salvo very long. but it can have like 11 guns and it has like 1500 armor and 150 shields. If you ultimate in a voinian cruiser and you abort the PROTOTYPE mission when your in the isled system you should have about 11% capture odds on it.

its not kids in the backseat that cause accidents, its accidents in the backseat that cause kids. y'all come in here and check this out before I flush it. computers let us do stupid things faster.


Originally posted by Voinian Earth:
**Just to brag I got both the UE recrutement and the voinian recrutement missions at the same time and at the time I'm a voinian dreadnought with access to all UE and voinian ships, this includes the cruisers. the problem with the voinian dreadnought is you dont keep your fighters or your rocket salvo very long. but it can have like 11 guns and it has like 1500 armor and 150 shields. If you ultimate in a voinian cruiser and you abort the PROTOTYPE mission when your in the isled system you should have about 11% capture odds on it.


Actually, you can keep all your weapons (outfits) until you buy another outfit.

mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus