Imaginating a new World

This is a RPG, which I hope won't end like WARFARE

A moderator will be neaded, but won't play for more objectivity

- You may control only your own character.
- No total destruction.
- Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
- No undefeatable protections.
- Alliance between the Igazdra, the Zidagar and the Azdgari are intolerable.
- Lifepads may be used while aboard one's own or affiliated structure
-Warsuit may be used given time to put one on before going onto a hostile structure.
- Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules. RESEARCHING:
- All tech are the same as in EVO after all player missions, to get new tech you have to research it.
-You have to post what you are researching something. Example: Developing a UE. BattleCruiser, research:20 posts, prototype:3 posts, others:12 posts to have 1 BattleCruiser in each UE. system + 13 more.
- Tech and Civil advances are made during the story timeframe. One civilian reasearch at every 6 post you do.
- No Invincible ships. Stats must be posted on new ships, and must be edited if the Mods say they are too strong.
-Indicate the number and kind of your ships in the battle and post it.
-The "defender" will post his orders of battle.
-The moderator will decide the end of the battle with objectivity. Everything must be realistic you cannot send into a battle more ship (67 UE. BattleCruiser) when you only had less than 30 of them.
-United Earth (with Huron)

Admiral Nelson, commander of the Allied Systems Against Renegades (ASAR) based on South Tip Station. The ASAR regroups the following systems: Akrayhek, Bakoom, Unobot, Groned, Duios, Tibidat, Hrinix. I have a upgrated Arada (speed of 375, shield of 340, armor of 54, 5 swivel guns) that is the HQ during the battles with an escort of 3 CW and 16 CF.

Build outfitting shops and shipyards on every planet of the ASAR 3 post

Start development of the ASAR Conteneur a mix of a cargoship and warship.
Shield:175 Armor:10 Speed:180 Cargo:250 Space:20 Turn:45°/s
Weapons: 3 Phase turrets, ECM, 2 Miranu Defense pod with 20 pods
Development:8 posts/Prototype:2/Construction:7: 54 ships

Build an ASAR Academy on Kayia and on Obutes. 2 post

It's up to you... You are all my and your own future.



- Alliance between the Igazdra, the Zidagar and the Azdgari are intolerable.

Three things.
1. Thank you for the alliance thing, in Warfare it was Azdgari/Voinans against everybody else.
2. I think I'll join as Emalgha , or if you let me, moderator(ppppllss? :)).
3. Ummm, I forget, let me get back to you on this.

The dragon awaits no whims but his own...
Doom, gloom, and things that go boom!!
Everyone but the black guy are Voinan's, and the black guy is Emalghion... "(url="http://"")Die Voinan Scum!(/url)"

There are TOO many of these. Hopefully my lack of joining will discourage others....

2 more are scheduled on these boards soon too! Grrr........

Fear not the dragon,
Fear not the wolf,
Fear not the warship,
Fear my Crescent Fighter.

At least, if you still want to join draco_2488,
(you might be the only one) you could be the moderator.

Being yourself and no one else is the least you can do.


The reason why these fail is because there are no real rules. I mean, you say things like, "no total destruction," but the moderator needs to have some sort of behind-the-scenes rules that he uses to determine things like the outcome of battles, how many warships a player can afford, etc.

Giule out.

I someone else has other constructive comments
on small RPG, I'll read all of them and come
back later with a more interesting, but still
simple RPG.

Veni, Vedi, Vici once again...


Another mindless use of Rooster's Law...(the rules) 🙂

Good to see another young webstory entrepreneur but Silver's right. I think you might benefit from taking in the mass-engineered rules, statures, and playing base of the Sokaro Divide. Please feel free to join if you think you'd be confortable with it. Good luck with any further stories ;).

(The link for Sokaro is in my signature under EVEA)

Head Moderator, EVEA

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.
EVEA Webstory Board: (url="http://"")http://pub51.ezboard.../bevoadventures(/url)
Will burn things for a nickname -- consult for further information.