Femme Fatale Problem

I skipped out of FH and went into Femme Fatale. What a great expansion!
My problem is this: I have not been receiving any new missions beyond
helping disaster victims across the universe. The one open mission that I have
is retrieving the CX9 module down in the Ras system. Any hints on how to get it?
I have pummeled the anomoly into submission and it goes to grey but then I can't
board the entity to retrieve the CX9 unit. Strange. Meanwhile I am bombing around
the universe in a hopped up Mosquito with 5 ion cannons, a fusion missile launcher
and a plasmo bolt launcher with about 200+ bolts. I am now straffing luxury yachts
to steal all of dem juicy credits but it is gettin' tedious. Help.


You must disable the Chimera. Destroying it (it will not actually disappear, just de-energise) will also destroy the pod.

This one is to slow down all the blast-em-uppers. You need to do just enough to disable, and no more.

You can't get any more missions until you've done this one.


Martin Turner

PS Say hi to Briggitte Linnemann for me. What a babe.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Hi Martin:

Many thanks for the prompt reply to my enquiry.
I will fly downunder and pummel that cloud to get
the cx9 unit.

Hoist an ale pot for me in the good ol' UK as I will for you
in the land 'o the rebels (ok, so it will be a smelly
Canadian import - no 'real' Guinness here).


Mark Tisdale
