Fighter Poll

Zidara as I like the beam weapon and it can withstand some damage when engaging a large number of enemy ships - such as when attacking the 'Rock".


The Zacit/Crescent Fighter, because it's a REAL FIGHTER Zidara and Arada people, it's fast and it's pretty.

If a tree falls in the forest when nobody's around, WHAT COLOUR IS THAT TREE?


(This message has been edited by Oedipus (edited 04-22-2001).)


Originally posted by Reborn:
**Azdara hands down. With Dospect, swivel phase guns, and both the shield recharger and the special one u get from the Azdagarie String, the ship is invincable( unless u suck or ur bad at manuevering).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Azdara. Fast, and with dospect and a shield generator, if you pilot it right, it is INVINCIBLE!! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Why is everyone taking my ship? all of you have stolen my idea. oh well, it was meant to be shared.
in case you didnt guess, im for the azdara, all the way

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

I have to go with the zachit fighter. It looks cool, plus it got the swivel cannons and missiles.

"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."
-Pink Floyd

Zidara* (url="http://"")http://hammerand.vir...v/ships/zi.html(/url)
Speed 250
Acceleration 225
Turning 270°/sec
Shields 180
Armor 15
Guns Maximum of 4
Turrets Maximum of 3
Weapon Space 30 tons
Cargo Space 40 ton
Fuel 4 Jumps
Jump Time 1 Day
Length 110m
Mass 75 tons
Crew 33
Regeneration 500
Tech Level 55
Ship ID 152
Government 144
Mission Bit 9

Standard Outfits:
2 Phase Turrets
2 Phased Disruption Beams
2 Dispersal Rocket Launchers
10 Dispersal Rockets
Zidagar Fighter Bay**
2 Zidagar Fighters

Ship Price: 5.50M cr

The Zidara is a pocket warship : almost as much firepower as a Crescent Warship in considerably less space. These ships usually concentrate on massed forward-firing weapons, using their almost fighter-like maneuverability to get the drop on opponents. In addition, these light vessels carry a pair of specialized Zidagar Fighters, meaning that fleets of these ships will often outnumber their foes.

Humph- I was hoping for a bit more when I finished all those missions to get at this. It does do a good job against ships of the same, smaller, or slightly larger type, and its fighters are the best in the game (next to Azdaras). I wouldn't go up against a Warship though- a Igazra will pulverize it. If you have not bought a Crecent Warship yet, get one of these. If you have, it's up to you. It jumps out at 125% normal speed.


(This message has been edited by rookie10276 (edited 04-22-2001).)

(This message has been edited by rookie10276 (edited 04-22-2001).)

now, were you saying this as your vote, or were you just telling us it was a warship?

i know some people consider it a warship, but it is much too fast to be one and does not have enough firepower. I would call it more of a courier than a warship, something that guards useful cargo transports or helps really really rich zidigar

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

The (url="http://"")Zidara(/url) is definitely a warship, however fast it may be. Although it is a small ship, and it doesn't pack a great deal of firepower, it has enough punch to be considered a warship. Also, its AI is warship as well, and that settles it for me.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure." -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

For everyone who thinks Zidaras and Aradas are fighters, think about this; can a fighter have TURRETS ??? Both Zidaras and Aradas can have 2 i think, and compared to Ziddy fighters and Azdaras, Zidaras and Aradas arent even that fast. Plus they have CARGO SPACE! and they have MORE THAN ONE OR TWO CREW MEMBERS!!! C'mon guys, dont just look at spead; just cause Zidaras and Aradas suck dosn't mean that there fighters 🙂

"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
-Some old wise fellow