Frozen Heart

Does any one know what you have to do to have to get strted on Frozen Heart at the very beggining because i just donloaded it and can't figure out what to do next???
So any one out there with the brains and and a lot of tender heart, would you reply to this message. Also could u tell me what else i will have to do in the future???

Thanx!!! 😄 😄 😄 😄


The Dark Hobbit

Out of the kindness of my heart, I shall help you start. The first mission is to enroll at the university; it starts on Thallos. I can't help you any farther – that's for you to figure out. It's pretty linear, at least for the first part. 🙂

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
Badminton Overhead Clear: Get under and slightly behind the falling birdie. Have racket ready in backswing position. Extend racket toward sky and contact shuttle at highest point. The racket face should be open. Snap wrist forward on contact. Shuttle should fly to your opponent's backcourt. -- shayborg's tip of the week

where do you get frozen heart?

Ultimate Rebel-Rebel General leading the Confederates' Demise

Here: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url)

It should be listed in the "highest rated" window at the side of the screen, so click on it there.

I'm right.
(url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

hmm, frozen heart, downloaded that, never played it though, computer's to slow... :frown:

Kirk - Scotty, we need more power!
Scott - I kinna do it captain, I kinna reach the controls...


Originally posted by Samurai:

It should be listed in the "highest rated" window at the side of the screen, so click on it there.


thanks! 😄

Ultimate Rebel-Rebel General leading a campaign for the Confederates' Demise

Thanx for your help Sumari!!! 🙂

I've down loaded most of the top rated ones and boredom seems like it will vanish



The Dark Hobbit

Oh yeah, and to get anywhere disable and board "trader" Luxury Liners.

You get 1 million credits each, and if you blow up some pirates beforehand
everyone will love you too much to hate you.

An especially good place to hunt Luxury Liners is in Magellan space.......


Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Yeah, just get a good karma or whatever there like local hero or respected citizen or whatnot(havent played FH in a while :D) then they wont get mad if you kill luxury liners, and do the credits ever add up...


(does not mention that Magellan luxury liners carry 5 or so deadly fighters ;))

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Should you be (un)lucky enough to download an earlier version of FH, destroying about 3 asteroids will give you the combat and reputation ratings you need to finish the game. Otherwise, just keeeeeep shooting...