I have a new pilot and i was wondering if anybody knows how many kills you need to gain the next combat rating. I think I have and Excellent rating with this pilot.
I have a new pilot and i was wondering if anybody knows how many kills you need to gain the next combat rating. I think I have and Excellent rating with this pilot.
I know I've seen some list with the number of kills you must have to achiece a certain combat rating, but I forgot where I saw it. Also, I think the size and power of the ships you destroy can have a big impact on how fast you achieve certain ratings.
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To get the highest combat rating go into renagade space and start blowing up ships, its a good way to get your combat rating up.
"The Lord loves you, and you, and YOU make the Lord very nervous!"
I believe combat ratings are on a point system. Kills give you points based on the ship you kill, and disabling, or even scoring hits, can get you points as well. A cheap way is to move in on a ship that was attacked by other ships and fire on it as it is breaking up.
The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.
Being sure to score the last hit against the dreadnaught normally bumps you up to Ultimate.
If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...
I think you'll find it on Evula's superb website.
Don't know the URL. Something like (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")www.evula.com(/url) , probably......
Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post
According to the (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/evo_bible/")EVO Bible(/url), your combat rating is based on the crew complements of all the ships you have destroyed:
0 Harmless
1 Mostly Harmless
100 Fair
200 Average
400 Above Average
800 Competent
1,600 Noteworthy
3,200 Excellent
6,400 Dangerous
12,800 Deadly
25,600 Ultimate
Since its based solely on the number of people you kill, and not on the tactical skill required to defeat the ship, blowing up a Voinian Supply Ship (51 crew members) has about the same effect on your rating as blowing up an Igazra (52)--or 51 Azdaras! The Dreadnought has a crew of 2080. In general, Voinian ships have more crew members than comparable human ships, which have more crew members than comparable Crescent ships. (For example, the light capital ships: Voinian Frigate 364, UE Destroyer 97, Lazira 24)
Question authority. That's an order.
Originally posted by FreakOfNature:
**According to the EVO Bible, your combat rating is based on the crew complements of all the ships you have destroyed:
0 Harmless
1 Mostly Harmless
100 Fair
200 Average
400 Above Average
800 Competent
1,600 Noteworthy
3,200 Excellent
6,400 Dangerous
12,800 Deadly
25,600 Ultimate
Since its based solely on the number of people you kill, and not on the tactical skill required to defeat the ship, blowing up a Voinian Supply Ship (51 crew members) has about the same effect on your rating as blowing up an Igazra (52)--or 51 Azdaras! The Dreadnought has a crew of 2080. In general, Voinian ships have more crew members than comparable human ships, which have more crew members than comparable Crescent ships. (For example, the light capital ships: Voinian Frigate 364, UE Destroyer 97, Lazira 24)
That pretty much all sums it up...
ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (currently the NTR's),
Combat Rating: Deadly
And you can find the EVO bible at (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")www.evula.com(/url)
See? I wasn't wrong, exactly?
Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post
Originally posted by FreakOfNature:
**According to the EVO Bible, your combat rating is based on the crew complements of all the ships you have destroyed:
0 Harmless
1 Mostly Harmless
100 Fair
200 Average
400 Above Average
800 Competent
1,600 Noteworthy
3,200 Excellent
6,400 Dangerous
12,800 Deadly
25,600 Ultimate
Heh. No wander my combat rating shoots up so much when I destroy a Confederation or Voinian cruiser.
The new Corsair Development team: Devoted to bringing you the best plugins for the Escape Velocity games. (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
I know another way of getting a high combat rating...
Start killing juicy freighters that look big... BAM! Ultimate in no time!
(I did this in a shuttle once)
Arrrrrrr, matey!!!!
Originally posted by Black Beard:
**I know another way of getting a high combat rating...
Start killing juicy freighters that look big... BAM! Ultimate in no time!
(I did this in a shuttle once)
Remember, though, only get trader gövt people, not UE (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/shipyard1.html#freighter")freighters(/url) and such, because I don't think the UE will be very happy with you if you take out their own trading ships
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed without them in Red Storm Rising (referring to a thriller by Tom Clancy)."
-- Senator Dan Quayle, 9/6/88
Originally posted by shayborg:
**Remember, though, only get trader gövt people, not UE freighters and such, because I don't think the UE will be very happy with you if you take out their own trading ships;)
Black beard a friend of the UE? Never! I doubt he's particularly concerned about not engaging in criminal activities.
The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.
it depends on the ship you have, 'cos i got to deadly in a shuttle in 2 hrs. And before in about 3 days with a clipper(ev) i got to competent.
I think Ultimate Rebel is right.
I blew up 4 Voinian Cruisers in my shuttle and I was Ultimate (okay, okay, I
got the last shot in when UE forces attacked it :))
Great webboard: (url="http://"http://pub18.ezboard.com/baradapilotsboard")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)
Ya, I'm sure it depends on the ship your piloting cause what I usually do is take a shuttle with 3 blaze cannons and go to one of the uninhabited systems near voinian space. Then I just blow up a couple of frigates and supply ships and that usually gets me to ultimate.
Dosn't take to long either.
"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
-Some old wise fellow
I'm sure that it's nothing to do with the kind of ship. I went from noteworthy to ultimate in my Freight-Courier, which has quite alot of crew, by blowing up Voinians.
If a tree falls in the forest when nobody's around, WHAT COLOUR IS THAT TREE?
Exactly, Jess. The ship was "non-combat" so perhaps it had a kills bonus.
Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff
Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Exactly, Jess. The ship was "non-combat" so perhaps it had a kills bonus.
No, there is no bonus depending on the type of ship you have. You get an equal combat ratings boost for killing a ship, whether you do it in a (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard1.html#shuttle")shuttle(/url) or an (url="http://"http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~dsghosh/evosite/shipyard3.html#cresw")Crescent Warship(/url). The combat rating boost you get is based entirely on the crew of the ship you kill.
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure." -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary