Fastest ship in FH (aside from the Tach. Fighter)

I'm about to commence with the Rigel Dissidents mission. What ship should I use? I have a Rim Prospector now, it seems fast...

Shikata ga nai.

If this is the mission I'm thinking about, where you just need to deliver a password, then a powerful ship isn't really needed. It's a milk run mission if that's the one it is.

The never duplicated
Never capitalized
And always puce:

Stratofighter is the fastest ship.

But forge is right, it's irrelevant to this mission. And you can't buy it.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

as you're talking of fastest ships: I failed to get enough money to buy the tachyonic fighter before Emile's death; is there some other way to get it; and, if not, can you finish the game in a normal ship?