Fozen Heart (Again!!!)

Hi everyone!!! 😄 😄 😄

I've hardly got very far at all, but anyway, who cares? I've been beaten up by 2 black, mysterious guys, done all of those pesky meetings and gone to Virgil and by accident gave the secret code to both people on both planets!Doh! So I return to Earth and tell them. What do i do next???

All help will be appreciated.


P.S. when are they going to raise my Karma!!!! :mad:


The Dark Hobbit

I'll answer the "PS", since it's the only question of those I know the answer

Stop it, Dark Hobbit. They'll NEVER (NEVER!!) raise your karma if you go on about
it. If you say perhaps one more time you'll probably get your karma DROPPED.

I'm not joking.

Just be nice, post questions in the same topic (call it "Frozen Heart Problems"
and just keep asking more questions) and stop asking about karma.

It's not like "Hi, are you new? Oh, here's some karma".

Karma is HARD TO GET. You don't just ASK for it.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Who CARES about karma. Unless you have negative, then forget it! it's just a little thing on the side that says Decent Individual, or Upstanding Citizen, Or Good Egg or something> JUST LAY OFF THE MODERATERS!!! Their job is difficult as it is! Earn karma but quit asking for it!




The Dark Hobbit

sok man i was in a bad mood when i read that. 🙂
