Anyone out there? FROZEN HEART!!!

Right. I've been going round and round in cicles on Frozen Heart and i still can't find anything to do.I've taken Katherine Baxter to all these places helping people who are in the middle of a war by givving them red cross things BUT i can't figure out what to do next!!!

Please reply!!!

So many people have downloaded it but none reply!


The Dark Hobbit

Check the spaceport bars. Sol 3 system, the surrounding democratic/indy systems, etc. You'll find something eventually. I'd be more specific, but its been awhile now. However, it is my experience that if you check around in that general area, you will find something.


Have you played chess yet?

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Oh yes, THAT.

I remember going around doing missions in my, umm...... Falcon? Anyway, I went
into loads of battles, and it kept showing me a picture of this weird ship all
the time. I wondered what it was.......

.......eventually I found out it was the Tachyonic Fighter, and I found out where
I could buy it. But later on, where it says "amazing that you beat such a large
ship <Rigellian Hunter something> with such a small one".

If I didn't have the Tachyonic Fighter by then, I would have been VERY confused.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

It's actually not possible to progress that far unless you are flying the TF. That is, unless you, erm, 'examined' the plug-in with ResEdit. Given that the Falcon takes three days to jump, and most of the missions are timed to require exactly one day, am I guessing that you did, in fact, 'examine' the plug-in?

M A R T I N • T U R N E R

I used a Falcon for as long as I could, then downgraded to my trusty Icak (something
like "ice", similar to the Lightning.

A good pilot in one of those (me! :)) can do most of FH.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff