Majestic Wing - Composing notes for RPG

Okay, well, I wrote out an idea for a RPG today, and wanted to ask everyone's
opinion of this one.


A new RPG by Esponer

Mankind came forth, seeking to control the stars,
Their willpower and wit was their guide as they took the lands before them,
And named them their own.

Within a few decades, mankind had been stretched across the galaxy,
Not meeting any opposition to their rule,
Conquering all, using the living creatures they found to make themselves strong.

Very few realised the mistake they were making,
And one day nature struck back.

The planets shock, the suns switched off,
From the darkness which is utter void,
Came a people who sought only one thing,
The death of humanity itself.

Spread across the galaxy, humanity formed to fight this threat.
They gathered their forces under their greatest leader,
Hirojel Kane.

Kane rallied the forces of humanity against this threat,
Fighting out without cause for concern,
Of the increasing harm done to the planets.

Nature grew angry.

Split apart by a rocking of the space time continuum,
Humanity was left shattered in a new world,
Some sought to conquer, others realised their mistake.

Kane's forces gathered against the rebellion to crush it,
Armies met in a foreign land,
The stars aligned slowly,
To bring peace unto this world.

The Imperial Navy,
The League,
Seperated by a passage through the stars,
Lost in a new world,
Must battle on for their freedom,
To seek the truth of the Majestic Wing.


The new galaxy that mankind has been launched into is a strange place, stranger than any other they have before seen. Two forces of humanity - the Imperial Navy and the League - seek home, but under different methods.

Kane died long ago in a battle with the League Rebels, and now the control over the Imperial will go to a new leader, a new Emperor. The lines of family have been killed, and now a new House must be assigned. Who will be chosen to lead the Imperial Navy?

The League also seeks a new leader, after their ancient Senate collapsed. They need a strong leader, someone who can lead them against the Imperial Navy and, so that the League can make their way home, keeping with the rules applied to them.

Further out, beyond those two, lies alien races with great power, and beyond that...... lies the Core. The Core of the universe, the truth to the word Nature, and the answer to the ultimate question - existance.

The Council wait, watching........

What will happen, once the secret of the Majestic Wing is revealed?



GREAT CLEANSING ( 2304 - 2308 )
In 2304 the Great Cleansing began . The galaxy itself shook, planets broke apart and stars collapsed . Life was snatched from billions , and mankind was thrown out into the stars in their starships .

When the unknown force known as Nature realised this , it sent out strange organic ships, green in colour and textured like rocks , to bring humanity to a halt .

These ships were recorded to be incredibly powerful . In one incident on 2305 January 19th thirty two Apollo Battlecruisers were destroyed by four alien warships, each with three fighters each. All thirty two battlecruisers fell within four minutes, and the aliens suffered no losses, or apparent damage.

Thousands of bursts or energy , from both sides , cataclysmic forces , solar disruptions - all this occured within the next three years of frenzied fighting . And then, the galaxy as we know it collapsed .

The stars sank away , the planets broke into countless pieces . The destruction of our galaxy was finally complete , and still the aliens came , seeking to destroy the nomadic remains of humanity .

But we escaped . As the space-time continuum collapsed before us , a huge portal appeared , and without a care for what lay beyond , we traversed it , hoping and praying that we would be safe . Two thousand and thirty seven ships of different forms went through the portal , and only one thousand two hundred and seventy four came out . The others were apparently lost in the infinite realms of space and time .


The new galaxy that the portal led to proved to be a strange place , full of nebulaes , black holes , quasars and some even stranger phenomenons . Guided weapons and sensors could not stand the constant disruption , and humanity found themselves in a dangerous position .

Kane gathered the forces of humanity , which were spread over many light years, and landed on a habitable planet. Over a period of twelve years , Kane managed to transform despair into self pride for almost all humans . Great cities were built , new warships and freighters were constructed , and mankind began to feel at home .

But Kane demanded more and more power . The people gave him it , as they owed him it for bringing them together . Things got out of hand , however , and a group of people decided to leave Kane's Imperial and work together to form a government free of tyranny . Many of these people also believed that the destruction in their home galaxy was caused by natural forces forced to protect itself . These people were shunned away by the logical minds of the Imperial .

And thus these rebels formed into a government known as the League . The League don't possess the same power as the Imperial , and they are spread out over a few systems - spread out , and yet still without enough space.

Both sides began to design weapons and sensors to counter-act the problems created by nebulaes , but the League proved to be better at this range of technology than the Imperial. Both sides have advanced sensors , but only the League sensors can work at complete efficiency within the nebulous space . Both have developed new guided weapons , but only the League's missiles can hunt down targets in asteroid belts and through the strongest interference.


Little is known about these strange people. They are rumoured to use the same organic ships seen in th Great Cleansing, and to have thousands of them. They are said to hold incredible power.

They are currently investigating an astonishing station called Majestic Wing.


Council Chronicles:

We have located a strange station in the DSN - 3419 system. It is apparently much more advanced than anything we have ever seen before - even more advanced than our own technology.

There has been some speculation as to whether this station has anything to do with the Four Runes. Ships have been dispatched to each of the Runes - the Hades Rune in the Andromeda galaxy , the Cerberus Runes in the Phosor galaxy, the Apollo Runes in the Terran galaxy , and the Charon Runes in the Eirial galaxy . The last galaxy currently is home to a race known as humanity , after they escaped our attack on their position in the Terran galaxy .

Work has continud on the station . We have found writing along the surface that indicates that the station is named "Majestic Wing" .

This has proven that it is connected to the Four Runes , as they make mention of Majestic Wing , and also make mention of each other . We believe that all of these objects together hold some form of power , or perhaps that the Four Runes block out of the power of Majestic Wing .

We have begun scanning heavily , and are attempting to get within the station.

We have now set up a permanent station around Majestic Wing . Hundreds of our scientists are working on decoding it's secrets .

We have also foudn something very interesting . The station emits a huge amount of energy - over one trillion times the energy output from the Terran galaxy . How this energy is contained is unknown , although we assume that the Four Runes have something to do with it .

Work is continuing . We have discovered something that my be an opening in the station , and are trying to gain entry. This seems a particularly difficult task , as the material in the station is a thousand times as dense and strong as what we earlier called Infinite Density . Breaching it seems impossible .

There have been no major breakthroughs.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-17-2001).)

Wow, cooool.

All rise in the presence
of Dark Helmet

Thanks. I spent quite some time on it. Whenever it starts (probably in an
absolute age) would you join to join?

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Very nice, but you don't have enough govornments.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.-Starkiller

I didn't mention ALL the governments.

They'll be Imperial, League, Council and then some aliens.

The RPG will generally have less governments so that each government has more

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

cool.I look forward to it.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Wow. Even though I'm intelligent and good with various tech problems, i doubt I could manage something like that. I look forward to joining it.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

Interesting. I wanna join! So, it's gonna be how many years? Do we get cool maps and doody ships?

I came; I saw; I hid behind a tree.

I'm putting more effort (a lot more) in the Majestic Wing map than the one
in Apocalyptic Night.

Expect to find maps to show different things, four different galaxies, natural
disasters, and so on. Oh, and lots of disturbance and nebulaes - you'll have
to research technologies that can break through different levels and types of
interference to get to new galaxies or areas.

Also, they'll be about 6 ships per government, and I've decided the ones for the
Imperial and League already. If you've played both EV and EVO, I should be able
to make sure you know the ship strength with comparisons (Triad Cruiser to Confed
Cruiser, for example).

And about your other question, it'll start when: a) Dark Shadow finishes, 🆒 Apoc.
Night OR Sokaro Divide finishes, and c) Warfare finishes.

So yes, it'll be a while. 🙂

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Triad? I wonder what that means.....Or is it just a name you thought up out of nowhere? That happens to me alot......So a bunch of interference, multiple galaxies, and few ships per govt? Hmm.....Triad....Maybe there's a Dulad or a Quartad.......('Dul', 2, 'Tri', 3, 'Quart', 4, get it?)

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot

It's shape has three "sticky outy" bits. 🙂 That's why it's called the Triad.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Ok. That clarifies it.

' Cross me, you die. Cross me twice, you die again ' —ESPilot


Originally posted by SilverDragon: And about your other question, it'll start when: a) Dark Shadow finishes,🆒 Apoc.Night OR Sokaro Divide finishes, and c) Warfare finishes.

Ahem... wasn't there going to be a sequel to Reign of Chaos? When does it fit in to your plans>

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer
Speculum : An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.


Ummm...... When there's less than 2 RPGs on the Ambrosia boards.

Majestic Wing is going to be on Buba's board, hopefully.

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff

Also Carno working on the sequel to Red Horrizen. I'll join if i'm not busy with more than two RPGS.

But beware the Gates. Gates leads to Microsoft, Microsoft leads to Windows, Windows leads to... suffering.

Hmm..... Did someone back there misunderstand?

There are 6 different types of ships.

About 200 or so warships will be an army.

For example, the Imperial (may change name) have:
Cassian Gunboat
Apollo Gunship
Vega Frigate
Triad Cruiser

Jude's left. sniff
We'll miss you/are missing you!
sniff sniff