If we were to design the Ultimate Non-cheat Ship.......

Okay, now it's very easy to make a supership for a plug-in that is conpletely
invincible, but I was just thinking what would it be like if we worked
together to think up some extremely powerful ships, yet ones that aren't
really cheating.

To avoid this, doing this like raising the price might work, but say we're
thinking of a fighter for a made up government. We can't make it cost 15m.

So, can anybody think of how to start off with ideas for how to make a ship
that would use any weapons already in the game and would be very powerful?

It would be best if we could fill all the basic roles for the government, such
as fighters, warships and something in between.

Well? Does anyone want to join and try and think what weapons and stats would
make a good combination?

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
So, can anybody think of how to start off with ideas for how to make a ship
that would use any weapons already in the game and would be very powerful?

It would be best if we could fill all the basic roles for the government, such
as fighters, warships and something in between.

heavy warship: an Igadzra with the shields of a CW but with the Armor of a Voianian Cruiser. pretty high shield regen. rate. Probably a lot of fuel, three phase beam turrets, 8 Neutron turrets, 4 huntermissile launchers or rocket turrets(with a lot of ammo), and a fighter bay of the fighters i'll mention later. 18M

Light Warship: a UE destroyed, with 2 phased beam turrets, 5 Neutron turrets, same maneuverability, same shields, but really high shield regen. rate, add 145 Armor. two hunter launchers.4M

Gunboat: Arada crossed with a Zidara- five neutron cannons, two phased beamers, two dispy launchers.

Fighter: Azdara with slightly higher shield regen. rate, 120 Armor, 4 Neutron cannons, one phased beam

I'm workin on a plug with these already....

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

I was thinking:

Cobra - Slightly smaller than the Crescent Warship. Armed with 2 dispersal
launchers and 20 rockets, 2 SAE launchers and 20 modules, two phased
beamers, three phase turrets. And, if you don't have to limit it to 4 or less
weapons so it'll work in Ev-Edit, then five neutron cannons too.

40 tons cargo space left, 20 tons weapon space left

Lacking in shields but fast with high acceleration and high shield recharge

Oh, yeah, and cloaking device. 🙂

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

How 'bout:

Cheetah: An insanely fast fighter (so speed=1000, accel=789, man=10), w/ not much shields, not many weapons, and no real range (say 100 fuel).

Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development

Sounds cool, diddly! <not as in Ned Flanders, :)>

They'd be truely horrible in large packs. <shivers>

And it's nice to see you around. I haven't seen you talking in a while.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

If you want a very powerful ship, here's my idea
For a heavy warship, just use Voinian techs to make a huge warship, kilometers long. It would have enough armor to survive for a long time, and it would have so much space that it could have an incredibly high number of neutron turrets. It would kill any capital ships it came into contact with, and carry tons of fighters to kill anything smaller.
Just my opinion, I must admit that I love the idea of a huge, powerful ship.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

I'd think that a faster Voinian Cruiser would be the greatest ship. But, I'm sure many people would disagree because of personal preference. But, if there was a fast (like maybe CW-speed) V. Cruiser, I'd buy it in a second. Even with all the speed upgrades, the V. Cruiser is just too slow for my liking in the game....

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Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
Light Warship: a UE destroyed, with 2 phased beam turrets, 5 Neutron turrets, same maneuverability, same shields, but really high shield regen. rate, add 145 Armor. two hunter launchers.4M

A UE destroyed? Doesn't sound like a very good ship to me 😄

The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.
Ask me what I'm doing.

Now, if he were to make an ultimate non-cheat ship, it would have to be good in ALL areas of the galaxy. That means:

1-To have enough shields to work excellently in/around Human Renegade, UE, Independent, Emalgha, and Voinian space.

2-To have enough armor (and speed) to work excellently in/around Strandless, Strand, Miranu space.

Now that we know how well shielded, powerful, etc. it should and must be, we must start out with a default ship; the Voinian Cruiser.

To make the Voinian Cruiser an great ship, it must have:

1-Good armor-damaging weaponry
2-Good shield-damaging weaponry
3-Good amount of shields
4-Good amount of armor
5-Enough cargo to be usable
6-Good amount of speed/maneuverability/acceleration

Now, in order to fit all this stuff in, we must take out:

1-Some armor
2-Voinian Fighters (really too slow to be useful)
3-All weapons must be removed
4-Some cargo must be removed

Here is the amount of normal free space we have originally: 80 tons

Here is the stuff that gets removed:

1-Without 300 armor: Extra 180 tons
2-Without Voinian Fighters: Extra 240 tons (I looked it up in EV-Edit, it's true, and that is a LOT!)
3-Without Neutron Turrets: Extra 90 tons
4-Without Rocket Turrets (weapon): Extra 90 tons
5-Without Turret Rockets (ammo): Extra 80 tons
6-Without 45 tons of cargo: Extra 30 tons

Add that up: 180 + 240 + 90 + 90 + 80 + 30 = 710 tons

710 tons plus the original 80 tons = 790 tons

Now we have 790 tons to work with.

Here are the weapons which we will add:

1-6 Phase Turrets = 120 tons
2-2 Hunter Missile Launchers = 70 tons
3-20 Hunter Missiles = 40 tons
4-1 Crescent Fighter Bay Launcher (plus three crescent fighters) = 80 tons
5-3 SAE Launchers = 105 tons
6-40 SAE Modules = 40 tons

Which will take up 455 tons. We now have only 335 tons to work with.

Now we must give it good manueverability, speed, and acceleration:

1-2 RCS upgrades = Extra 2 Turn = 20 tons
2-2 Thrust Upgrades = Extra 300 Acceleration = 20 tons
3-3 Engine Upgrades = Extra 225 Speed = 30 tons

We now have used up 70 tons. We now have only 265 tons to work with.

We now must give the Voinian Cruiser better shields and shield recharge.

1-10 Shield Generators = -100 recharge pixels (res-edit scale) = 50 tons
2-50 Shield Generators = 2500 Extra Shield Points (res-edit scale, in other words, an extra 250 shields) = 250 tons

This add up to 300 tons. We now must free up 35 tons. How so? Let's see:

We still have 45 tons of cargo. Add a mass expansion, get 30 tons of cargo, and get an extra 10 tons. We now only have to free up 25 tons.

Minus 191 crew members frees up about, let's say, 10 tons. Now we only have to free up 15 tons, and we still have 700 crew members, and adequat amount.

We now have three possible solutions:

1-Use a systems upgrade
2-Take off one jump of fuel and one thrust upgrade
3-Take off one jump of fuel and one RCS upgrade

Now we must figure out which one. Number three is not good because we must keep our turn rate good, and #2 takes away acceleration. Let’s pick #1. We now have 5 tons of extra space.

Now that we have finished with creating out ultimate ship, we will now type in it’s specs (all specs without a ‘res-edit scale’ tag are in shipyard scale, or possibly both):

Fuel: 6 Jumps
Speed: 300 speed (res-edit scale)
Acceleration: 420 Acceleration (res-edit scale)
Turning: 3 turn (res-edit scale)
Shields: 265
Armor: 300
Max Guns: 6
Max Turrets: 6
Mass: 1500 tons
Length: 180 tons
Crew: 700
Recharge Rate: 100 (res-edit scale)
Weapons Space: 5 tons
Cargo Space: 30 tons
1-6 Phase Turrets
2-2 Hunter Missile Launchers - 20 Hunter Missiles
3-1 Crescent Fighter Bay Launcher - 3 Crescent Fighters
4-3 SAE Launchers - 40 SAE Modules

We now have an ultimate ship. Now we must make a cost:

Original Cost: 14,000,000

1-Minus two layers of Bronov Plating = 11,000,000 (new cost of vessel)
2-Minus three Neutron Turrets = 10,760,000
3-Minus 2 Rocket Turrets = 10,440,000
4-Minus 40 Turret Rockets = 10,400,000
5-Minus 1 VH Fighter Bay = 7,900,000
6-Minus 4 VH Fighters = 6,900,000
7-191 Crew Members = 6,850,000 (approximated)
8-Add 6 Phase Turrets = 7,930,000
9-Add 2 Hunter Missile Launchers = 7,980,000
10-Add 20 Hunter Missiles = 8,000,000
11-Add 1 Crescent Fighter Bay = 9,000,000
12-Add 3 Crescent Fighters = 9,750,000
13-3 SAE Launchers = 10,650,000
14-40 SAE Modules = 10,810,000
15-2 RCS Upgrades = 13,310,000
16-2 Thrust Upgrades = 15,810,000
17-3 Engine Upgrades = 18,310,000

It now costs 18,310,000, or about 18.3 million credits.

Now we must figure out a name. I like the name “Cerberus Battlecruiser” or maybe “Apocolypse Battlecruiser”. I like Cerberus better.

We now have an ultimate non-cheat ship; the Cerberus Battlecruiser!

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Thanks Carnotaur! That was pretty much the type of thing I was looking for
when I started this.

The cost is really amazing, and you've gone to a lot of work.

Well done!

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Cool! I think I'll go make one in ShipWrite.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Thanks Carnotaur! That was pretty much the type of thing I was looking for
when I started this.

The cost is really amazing, and you've gone to a lot of work.

Well done!

Thanks. I like doing engineering work.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

But what about the ultimate fighter?
It has great speed, about 60-80 shields but almost no armor, accel and turning excellent. The shield recharge should be awesome. Like an Azdara, but with more space for outfits, and more fuel. No turrets, but a maximum of ten cannons, and they'll be five phase (against shield) and five emalgha (against armor). And, a lot of guided ordinance, perhaps 50 Pursuit Missiles...
It can't be destroyed unless a very powerful rocket makes a direct hit, or if it flies straight into a buzz of SAD modules. The weight should be very very light so it flies all over the system if it's just hit by a Blaze shot...
And yes, the cost will be a few millions.
Perhaps it's better to fly a warship or a crusier instead of a fighter, but not as exciting, dangerous and fun.

All E.T:s aren't nice.
(Most of them are evil green blobs)

Now THAT is easy. Just get an Azdara, add a layer of dospect, add a shield generator, and eureka! You have your invinci-fighter!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

Nope, the way you upgrade an Azdara is to try to make it as close to an enhanced Azdara as possible. Shield Enhancers, Exp. Shield Gen, Shield Gen. The only way it can be destroyed is simultaneous hits by several rockets. It really doesn't matter what weapons it has because it's virtually invincible. (My brother took over a large portion of the galaxy in an non-upgraded enhanced Azdara.)

I took on two Zidaras at the same time, taking all fire, with a Crescent fighter
with exp. shield generator and other shield upgrades.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post


Originally posted by Catfish_Man:
Nope, the way you upgrade an Azdara is to try to make it as close to an enhanced Azdara as possible. Shield Enhancers, Exp. Shield Gen, Shield Gen. The only way it can be destroyed is simultaneous hits by several rockets. It really doesn't matter what weapons it has because it's virtually invincible. (My brother took over a large portion of the galaxy in an non-upgraded enhanced Azdara.)

Your brother obviously cheated then, because you cannot purchase a "Non-Upgraded Enhanced Azdara". Neither can you capture them. My version works just as good or maybe even better than the other version because they you have a large bit of armor to rely on. Of course, exp. shield generators and that other stuff don't hurt either.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).

The fastest shield recharge of any ship in EVO is an Enhanced Azdgari Arada + the nornal shield regenerator. If you add the shield enhancers then you regenerate your shields 20 percent faster. If you have dospect then you become almost invincible. Once I was talking to my friend and I was being assaulted by 5 or 6 creasent fighters and my shields did not even fall below 95 percent. Once any creasent ship gets to you armor they stop all progress on killing you. The only downside to this ship is that when fighting voinians you can get bounced off screen by a rocket. The recharge if you are wondering is faster than the azdara + normal regenerator + exp regenerator. I actually tested.

I believe that the 'ultimate fighter' should be compact, small, but armed to the teeth, so to say. Here's my Ultimate Fighter:

  1. The size of a krait, with the speed of an Azdara
  2. Very good shield regeneration, but not TOO much
  3. Vast array of weapons for something its size: 5 swivel phasers, 5 Neutrons cannons, 2 SAE launchers, 18 SAE's, 1 dispy launcher, 20 dispersal rockets
  4. Reasonable price: 3,441,000, or around 3.44 megacredits

Ta-da! Perfect fighter!!

ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (in other words, he's a bounty hunter),
Combat Rating: Boosted to Ultimate after wrecking the Z.S.S. Dramatic and a gang of CW's.

I began to work once on a plugin where the Azdgari and UE joined forces...

Trailblazer: Nice, shiny red ship (similar to UE fighter, but with wings like the Azdara, and smaller) very fast, excellect Acceleration and turning, 5 advanced Blaze cannon (if this ever existed), and a shield fast-recharging thingy. Similar to a regular Azdara, but with better shields and armor. Price: 10 G's

"There's only a thin line between a foe and a friend, so blast 'em anyways..."
"There are 12 inches in a foot; there are 2 feet in my shoes"
"Forgive and forget, unless you forgot to forgive.
