ATTN: Axis Software Integrated

Axis is out of the shadows and back at work with projects such as the Ares Port, the StarLance Trilogy, and Marathon:Invasion!

A.S.I. has also had time to refine itself in both content and quality. We've added two more members (Pallas Athene, and Fleet Admiral Darkk) to a team of 7 members including Sargatanus, Slug, and Zeta.

Check out our provisional website at (url="http://""), and read the latest news on all of these jaw dropping hits!

If you're interested in helping us out with any of the projects, drop a line to the Project Manager. A couple of positions we still need are some landscape artists, mission writers, and outfit modelers for various projects.


Nice site.

If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. If you don't give a man a fish, you'll have something for dinner...

I think the logo is pretty impressive...

~Captain Skyblade

President of the Corsair Development Team
(url="http://"")Corsair Homepage(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Web Board(/url)

Yeah. It's a really neat logo.

Lead plugin programmer, Corsair Development

Thanks. 🆒

Ironicly, the logo isn't in it's shine and glory right now. I had to resize it with html to fit it on the page, so right now it's not really smooth. I'm planning on rerendering it later, however if you look at the (url="http://"")original(/url), it's anti-aliased.



Those are some pretty interesting projects you've got going. You're taking games and looking at them from a different perspective, and it looks like it's giving you some really interesting results. I never would have thought of taking Marathon out of the realm of the FPS and into the 2D space combat stage. And that Ares port looks like it'll add a lot of plot and storyline to that game. Very nice!
