"Import MIDI File" Command

How do I use the "Import MIDI File" command in Mascot? It's under the file menu, and it asks for a ID number of the midi file. If it means in the resource fork, I have no idea how to import MIDIs into the resource fork of a file. Otherwise, I have no idea whatsoever. 🙂 Help!

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If you're using that MIDI as a level music file, spamguy posted instructions on that at the FAQ. You don't have to import it or anything, just put it in the music folder in a certain format. If you're importing the MIDI for something else I don't know, besides, I don't even know what the import MIDI command is even for. Aren't I helpful?

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I think that command is unused. There's a lot of stuff that wasn't included in Ferazel, because of time restraints, I guess. Anyway, level music is controlled with the level info.

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