Reign of Chaos - Cont. again

message to battledoc, encrypted
Yes, we are allied now...Death to the traitors

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

<message, Theta-5 encrypted>
To: Arada Pilot
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(Now that we are allied, if we can win the battle currently taking place at Pokoren, we will be able to sweep through and conquer UE space easily. Let us work together to do this. If we win Pokoren, we win UE space.)
<end message>


The Fleet Admiral commanding the Voinian forces at Pokoren issues another message to the UE/Zidagar force.
"You have not surrendered. You leave us no choice. Have a very nice day."
The V.E.S. Voinia and the V.E.S. Borb, who have their Neutron Beams targeted on the Marathon, fire them simultaneously. Each beam is about twice as powerful as the one that was installed on Pokoren station. The 2 ships are putting almost all of their energy into it. The bright purple neutron beams streak across the battlefield, incinerating all they encounter. A Voinian ship is lost, as well as 1 UE Cruiser which was in the way. Then the beams hit the Marathon. The shields manage to hold up for 2 seconds, after which they collapse. The beams end, and the Marathon is down to 1/5 armor. The V.E.S. Voinia fires a huge barrage of RIMs at the crippled hulk of a ship, ripping it to shreds. The rest of the Voinian force begins to close in on the 40 or so remaining cruisers, aided by the Azdgari force.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

An Igadzra admiral enters Thunder's office with a data-pad in hand.

"So, have you figured out the origin of our mercenary friend?"

"Yes. Our sources indicate that he indeed returned to UE space. Sensor analysis of the elemental composition of dust on their hull is consistant with the radioactive decay scattered throughout the surrounding systems after the attack on Sol. He was definately within a system or wto of Sol, and definately in UE space. He came from UE territory, attacked us, and then returned to UE territory."

"Our latest reports from our allies indicate that the UE are busy defending against incursions from the Voinians and possibly the Azdgari as well, correct?"

"Yes, Prime Minister. It is a major battle; perhaps even the beginning of a war."

"Then they'd be too busy if we went after a little compensation for the attack on Igadzra..."

"What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see soon enough."

Message to RMA, IA, and Battledoctor, Voinian, encryption sequence Cyan-3 confirmed<<

Igadzra scientists have confirmed that the mercenary fleet that attacked us both came from and returned to UE space. No doubt he was in their employment. I understand that the Voinians have launched an offensive against the UE on their western border. I will send a fleet of Igadzra ships to capture the Riomir system. Hopefully this will help to draw UE attention away from your battle and allow you to delve deeper into their space. If the IA would have re-inforcements ready to help out if the UE overpowers us on one of the two fronts, it would help us to ensure that they will not escape.

End message<<


The UE were shocked to see a massive fleet of Igadzra Destroyers, Igazras and a few Igadzra Aradas enter the Riomir system. Apparently the Igadzra had jumped in from the southwest, coming around through strandless space from Mavs to avoid any possible minefield.

With little delay, the lead Igadzra ship hailed Freeport. "United Earth forces, a mercenary under your employment was responsible for the destruction of multiple military bases on Igadzra and the loss of life of more than two thousand Igadzra military personel. As reparations we demand that you hand over the Riomir system and Freeport Station to the Igadzra and cease all hostile action against us. You have 1 minute to comply before we open fire."

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

Thunder, the UE attacked me, I didn't attack them. But it's okay, I'll attack them soon enough. Most of their fleet is engaged in combat with me at Pokoren. Your forces should have an easy time defeating the UE.


Paladin, where are you? Since you're not here, I have to make up the battle by myself!

The remaining UE force of 40 cruisers was being totally overwhelmed. A UE Cruiser is strong, but not strong enough to fight all that they were up against. The Azdgari had suddenly allied with the Voinians. The Voinians had 2 supercruisers and a humongous force. The Cruisers were being constantly pounded by mines, missiles, and turret fire. They were down to a mere 30 ships. There were no other options for them -- they either had to retreat, or be destroyed.

I'm gonna leave this one up to Paladin. You take it from here on out, dude.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

REDchigh boards his ship, hires the best crew he can find, and heads toward the battle. He sees that the battle is slanting toward the Voinian side, but he still wants some smashing. He speeds toward a retreating force of Fighters (That are remote controlled by Paladin, but no one knows) and opens fire. Even though the fighters are more maneuverable, REDchigh hes the Superior firepower, and soon, all 8 of them are fried.
REDchigh now really at a major loss, and knows he has to find a way to help the UE w/o blowing his cover... He suddenly remembers he has 8 enhanced mines... more than enough to take out a fleet of Cruisers... he sees an applicable battle. 4 fighters pickin on a Cruiser. He aims one mine at one of the fighters, and shoots, so the mine hits the fighter when it is right over the Cruiser. The blast annihalates the fighter, but does substantial damage to the Cruiser. Enough so the other fighters can take it down easily. REDchigh sees a couple ravens takin on anothercruiser, and does the same thing. he notices, however, that this isn't helping much, so he finds an Adzgari warship, and about twelve fighters, takin on a destroyer. He shoots the next mine so it detonates when the WS and ten Azdaras are sall within range, and they are all destroyed. He starts do the same thing again, when he is suddenly struck with a flash of Genius! He finds an Adzgari warship, that was disabled and ignored, right on the outskirt of the system. He nudges it out of sensor range, and boards it/ captures it. then he gets his most trusted crew-member to attack as many UE ships as he can, and then fly the ship to the edge of the system for further orders. Meanwhile, redchigh orders the WS's fighters to attack the closest UE ship. as the WS gets closer to the UE ship, he notices he has royalty on board! Well, just Co-Commander Lewis, but still- he is second in command for this battle front. I grab him, lock my wristblade out, and place it under his throat. Since most Adzgari look alike, he is able to claim to be Arada Pilot. He then opens comm to all Adzgari Vessels in the Area:
"Attention All Vessels. This is Arada Pilot. Leader of the Adzgari Empire. After negotiations with the UE, We now have a Treaty. You are to Defend All UE vessels in the Area, destroying the Voinians, if needed.
Arada Pilot- Over and Out"
REDchigh then storms toward the nearest Voinian cruiser, firing all weopons. Then, he lets the ship get destroyed, and REDchigh gets in yet another Escape pod, and orders his frigate to pick him up. He then speeds toward the battle, to do somemore damage to the UE..


Outofcharacter: aradapilot and Battledoctor- I'm sure i have destroyed enough UE ships, to make my only slightly suspicious actions not interesting. However, if the moderators object to this, esp. Capt. Carno (he's the least biased), then i will delete this post.

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

I will lean (only lean) towards the Azdgari, Igadzra, and Voinians. But remember, I can help anybody. I'm a mercenary (and I LOVE it).


Carnotaur (after sending a small message of apology to the Igadzra for the attack because he was hired to do so) then goes to meet Arada Pilot after entering the Azdgari system. They land on Xarnes, and Arada Pilot says...

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Okay, that stuff about the dude pretending to be Arada Pilot was just stupid... it wouldn't work. And there were no Destroyers or anything. only 30 or so UE Cruisers. And, the battle wasn't "slanting towards the Voinian side", the Voinians had a huge force, and were in the process off picking off the last few UE ships easily. Any actions taken by you to destroy Voinian ships were not really noticed, as you said, but they had little to no effect on the outcome of the battle as a whole. The Voinians had a huge number of ships.

Sorry about that, but it's the truth.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-08-2001).)

Excuse me, but the UE had their whole fleet too. And I mean almost every single
UE ship in existance. You wouldn't outnumber me much. Remember, you keep bringing
in reinforcements, but I sent everything. EVERYTHING.

I'd revoke your battle completely, but I don't want to ruin all those posts.

And Arada Pilot - you're mean. 🙂

Thunder - I'm sorry about the raid. I meant it simply for Carnotaur to attack
one or two vessels, not what he did. I will formally apologise later. Sadly, I
DO NOT CONTROL those renegade bases! I destroyed them! You may not have the
independant bases either, as Redchigh handed them over to the Voinians.

And what makes you think the Kelmaon has what it takes to destroy the U.E.S
Paladin by crashing into it? When it's in that state?

Anyway, I didn't surrender because I was away. If you don't mind, I would like
to go back a bit to while I still have something of a fleet and surrender.

<<Message to Battledoctor, RMA, Thunder, Redchigh>>
<<From Paladin, Independant>>
<<No encryption active>>

I formally surrender to the Voinian military. The U.E.S Excalibur will return to
Earth, as will what remains of the UE navy. I await the coming of your forces,
and beg you to show mercy on the United Earth civilians.

Personally, I no longer hold proper control over the United Earth. Prime Minister
Haleis now holds ultimate power, but I must continue to speak through him.

Once more I beg your mercy.

And advise you that the Odine are devious. They only pretend to be your ally because
they want me out of the way. If you will let the UE serve under you we will help
you defeat the Odine when they turn on you.


Paladin sighs. All 3 supercruisers lost. Well, nearly. He grins.

"How's the work going?" he asked.

"Complete already. The remains of the U.E.S Sephiroth have been fused with the
U.E.S Garland. The Garland is now complete."

"Good. Have it and a couple of UE ships move around IA space. They will be detected,
but we still have a chance. Take them to F-25, which is uninhabited."

"Yes, sir. Are you sure you want to stay here?" the admiral asked, one of Paladin's
last admirals.

"Yes. I must see that diplomacy takes it's course. Once you reach F-25, begin work
on exiting this galaxy. Then, find a way to send me a message. I will build the
S.S Lost Hope in secret, and then escape with you."

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and about the U.E.S Excalibur?"

"Sir?" the admiral asks.

"Burn out all the weaponry and advanced equipment, and say the Voinians did it. We
don't want them getting their hands on the Dark Matter Launcher."

"Of course."

The admiral leaves, and Paladin is left alone on Paaren Station, everybody else
having fled knowing the Voinians are coming......

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-09-2001).)

Jade listens intently. "So the UE are dead? Completely?" she asks her retainer.

"Pretty much. They're forced to surrender. But... Our spies have found that they
are escaping with the completed U.E.S Garland. We also found something interesting."


"The Imperium Alliance have spies too. I even chatted with one for a while." the
retainer said.

"Did either of you find out where they're escaping to?" Jade asked.

"No, and we probably couldn't stop them anyway. The Garland is a powerful ship
indeed. It's fused together from the U.E.S Sephiroth, as well."

"Hmmm.... They'll be trying to get out of this galaxy. From F-25, probably."
Jade murmured.

"Shall we move to attack them?"

"With our fleet of 50 Seiken fighters? No way. Even the ASS Beatrix and Arc
wouldn't be enough. Instead, let's hide in F-25 and wait for them. We can try
and ambush them and sell the equipment."

A.S.S Beatrix,
Save the Queen.

Paladin awaits the Voinians at the empty Paaren Station.

Meanwhile, a large UE ship is being built, hidden away in the southern
nebula, south of Helios. It is the S.S Lost Hope. Twice the size of a UE Cruiser,
it will hold hundreds of UE refugees, and includes all the weapons of the UE
and Zidagar.

Paladin suddenly realises something. "Rima."

With the fall of the UE the Zidagar are practically doomed. Paladin decides
something must be done... he sets up Paaren Station to explode. He also sets UE freighters all around
UE around, all unmanned, and they are also set to explode.

With any luck he'll take out most of the Igadzra, Azdgari and Voinian fleet, and a
few UE ships are delaying RMA meanwhile...

PS: Please let this go. If Paaren Station explodes I'll be killing my character,
but could you all let it happen? Please? I know some of you might argue you could
scan it, but even with a few losses you still wouldn't be majorly affected.

Come on! Let me go out with a bang!


<<Message to Rima of the Zidagar>>
<<From Paladin, Independant>>
<<Top-Priority Courier>>

I'm sorry, Rima. Truely I am. I'm rigging UE space to take out my attackers, and
from Paaren Station I shall view the destruction a second before I too explode. My
goal is only to help hold back the tide.

The U.E.S Garland is going to the galaxy where the Odine first came from, and I
will construct the S.S Lost Hope and have it sent to you at the same time I lay
down my life.

It has been good working with you, and I hope that you can hold for as long as it
takes the U.E.S Garland to ravage the second galaxy and come back with new wonders.

Trust me. The Garland can handle the aliens there. Humanity is stronger than any
could imagine when it has no other choice.

An independant pilot named Paladin, out.


The Garland sets off, with a few UE cruisers to escort it. The IA detect it, and
they give chase, but they don't catch it, as they lose it when the Garland goes
out of tachyon sensor range.


RMA: Let this happen. Don't complain. The game will end before the Garland returns,
I'm sure, so it doesn't matter. The Garland's story is there to give some light -
some hope - to the end of the story.

PS: I told you all this would finish soon. I suggest after Rima begins to get
outnumbered she boards the S.S Lost Hope and follows the Garland.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Suddenly, the Red Horizon decloaks in the Paaran system, docks with Paaran Station, and Carnotaur meets with Paladin. "What are you doing here?!" Paladin demands.

"Saving your neck, come on!" Carnotaur replies.

Quickly, they take the Lost Hope and have the Dark Tide (one of Carnotaur's Voinian Cruisers) hold it with a tractor beam. Then, as construction crews work on the Lost Hope (Carnotaur put some on it), Paladin and Carnotaur board the Red Horizon.

"Why are you doing this?" Paladin asks.

"Because you sent me on a mission, you're one of my customers, and so I'm saving you. We'll finish the Lost Hope, then send it and the Garland out into another galaxy. I'm also installing this new cloak and scanner jammer this ship and leaving another one for the Garland. You'll be able to escape. The Miranu are after you, but with the cloak and jammer you'll be able to escape. I ask but only two things; one, you'll eventually return when the galaxy is safe for you and I have a government to protect you. And two, give me the technology of the Dark Matter cannon. Think those over while we go to Zidagar."

"ZIDAGAR!?!" Paladin yells, "Why there?"

As the rest of Carnotaur's fleet (still towing the Lost Hope) heads away the opposite direction, the Red Horizon heads towards Zidagar. Then Carnotaur continues. "The Igadzra and Azdgari are closing in on them, and Zidagar space is surrounded. Zidagar itself is under attack, and Rima can't get away."

After several days of travelling, Carnotaur finally got to the Zidagar system in the midst of a major battle between the Zidagar and Igadzra. The Red Horizon quickly zoomed past it all and landed in the main Zidagar city spaceport. It was in ruins, the Igadzra had bombed it. Fortunately, Rima had hid in a bunker, Carnotaur and Paladin found her, and they quickly took off again.

Several days later, Carnotaur let Rima and Paladin off on the newly completed Lost Hope. "See you again, sometime," Carnotaur said, "But Paladin, will you give me the technology for the Dark Matter Cannon? I promise it will NEVER fall into anyone elses hands except for mine."


NOTE: Arada Pilot, Thunder, and BattleDoctor have absolutely no idea that I did what I did. Also, I am serious about not giving anyone the Dark Matter Cannon.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Hmm. UE Surrender. Didn't see that coming. Actually, I did. I think Paladin got bored of this and just wanted to end it quickly. That's wy he committed all his forces to a battle, and accepted defeat, even when he said he almost rejected the posts. I am disappointed. But whatever...

The UE having surrendered, there is a wild party going on all through Voinian space. Drinks are being served free at the bars. People are setting off little Voinian fireworks. Everyone is happy that the UE scum are gone.

BattleDoctor orders a fleet of 30 Cruisers and appropriate frigate amd fighter escorts to head for the Paaren system. There should be no resistance...

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

The Igadzra fleet waits tensely, waiting for a UE response. After 60 seconds, none comes. "Alright," the Igadzra commander says, "we gave them a chance, now let's take 'em out! All vessels attack!"

"Um... sir, wait!" a young science officer called out.

"What is it?" the commander asked, impatient to get the attack over with.

"I've just finished scanning the station... there's severe damage to all decks, and I'm detecting no life signs on board."

"What? Did somebody beat us here?"

"No... I don't think there was ever a UE presence here. There's no sign of their technology aboard the station. Most likely they wiped out the renegades on board and left the system abandoned."

"So we just launched a major offensive against an abandoned system?" the commander asked, half annoyed, half amused.

"Yes, sir. I guess just goes to show how important it is to have an up-to-date galactic map on hand," the science officer replied. ( ;))

Well, then we'll take the system anyway. Have some of our ships dock with the station and begin repairs. I'll order some of the rest of our fleet to begin rebuilding that destroyed colony in the system we just passed through; Gorky I believe it was called. The rest of our ships will return to Igadzra space and reinforce the Zidagar and Azdgari borders."

"Yes, sir!" the other ships reported in. "We'll get right on it!"

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

Meanwhile, Carnotaur simply waits on Xarnes for Arada Pilot to meet him (like you said you would AP) and drinks Saalian Brandy.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Carnotaur, you wrecked my finale! I was supposed to leave the station at the
last moment, board the Silver Falcon (Crescent Fighter) and has cosmetics turn
me into SilverDragon.

I'd put an appropriate joke in the North Tip Bar too! Oh well.......

I'll redo the finale (it mentioned Rima being captured and a new power running
the galaxy).

Don't worry, it doesn't really matter.

But anyway, thanks Carnotaur! 🙂


Paladin sighs. "There's no reason for you do to this. My Crescent Fighter was
ready to come in."

"The Voinians could have destroyed it. Now come on." Carnotaur said.

"Anyway, I've put in your ship the blueprints for the Dark Matter Launcher. I
hope they help. And I suggest you stay alive for as long as possible. With the
Garland in the other galaxy, we'll soon come back with more ships and incredible


Everyone: Okay then, if you want let's vote on this:

A) Should the Garland come back in THIS game?
🆒 Should I make a sequel, in which it will return in all it's glory?

Please vote!

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

"Hello, Captain."
Carnotaur spins around, not having noticed the quick Azdgari approach him.
"Arada Pilot?"
"What do you want me for?"
"I need you to find something out for me."
"Where is Rima?"
"On Zidagar, I'm assuming."
"No. We attacked there, and she was nowhere to be found. Find her."
The emperor turns and leaves.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

sequel, just like red horizon...

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

SilverDragon gets aboard the Garland, and Rima boards the Saviour, which had
escaped the fury of the battles, and the Gryphon plus 15 Zidaras follow along
With the Lost Hope and two badly damaged UE Cruisers, they travel to F-25, and are
able to open up the rift...

<<Message to all government leaders>>
<<From Paladin, Independant>>
<<No encyption>>

A new galaxy awaits, and I'm sealing the rift afterwards. I'll see you all soon.

<<Message to Carnotaur, Mercenary>>
<<From Paladin, Independant>>
<<Encryption Sequence Chi-7 Active>>

Survive, Carnotaur. I'll be back soon - and no matter what aliens lie in the second
galaxy, I'll still prevail.

And check up on Redchigh some time. See whose side he's on (he still can't come
through the rift, though, as it is now sealed).

Paladin out.


Toxic clouds encase the small fleet, which is travelling at incredible speeds. Suddenly,
there is a flash, and a series of bright patterns appear around the ships. And then,
they are there.

In a place that holds only a few stars, and where blackness holds even stronger
than in the old galaxy.

And two huge red ships approach them, red lights charging from their front..........

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

--------------------------THUS ENDS REIGN OF CHAOS--------------------------

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

OOC: Ok...I'm back, to whoever knew I was joining. I'm still waiting on the tech, so that I'll know what the friggen Hirogen (or whatever) blaze cannons are. Sounds evil, though. I'd like to capture that UE fighter. I'll just post some neutral posts...attacking freighters...staying low key, the like. Sound good? Good..because you don't have a choice.

Do-spect armor? Hah!
I Do'spect that you're going to die, mister Vonian.
Intercepted from the UE Cruiser Blockade Runner, during attack of Dreadnaught.