Reign of Chaos - Cont. again

Arada Pilot, I'm not meeting you at Igadzra space! I didn't mean that!

I'm just saying that this is a good time for you to attack. I'm going to attack
the Voinians - rather Redchigh will, because he wants some fun. 🙂

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

The Topaz, REDchigh, and The Topaz's Escorts (2 supercruiser, 13 cruisers, 720 fighters, and 159 Destroyers) warps into orbit around Vorik, and the Voinains are quickly decimated. Paladin orders the ships to circle the station, and REDchigh does the same. The ships fire, and slowly drain the shields of the station, and the Station doesn't stand a chance.
Voinian Losses:-----------------UE losses:
8 H. Fighters-------------------4 fighters
13 Interceptors-----------------one cruiser was heavily damaged, but not destroyed.
5 Frigates------------------------(being sent to Paaren Station for repairs)
3 Cruisers----------------------54 starlances
A major station-------------------(Starlances count as losses?)

Fearing a powerful Voianian Counter attack, REDchigh retreats toward the Independant systems. Can I claim control of the Human Independants? If so, I'm colonizing'em.
REDchigh talks to Paladin: "How bout' a few fighters to help me capture a planet?"
Paladin answers"Sure! Take 125!"
Paladin sends the ships to REDchigh's ship, and The cruisers, fighters, and the Demon warp into Feviry and REDchigh easily defeats the defence fleet. Whoevers doing the map?
Please update it with me owning it, NOT UE.
REDchigh and Paladin agree to transfer the Cloaking project to Feviry.

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

Meanwhile, the Voinian force moving through UE space is ambushed.

The U.E.S Paladin locks onto one cruiser and the Excalibur hits it with the
Dark Matter Launcher. More UE ships leap into the system, and attack the Voinians.

StarLances swarm around, smashing into the Voinian ships, and the UE suffer few
losses all in all.

The supercruisers move to Bakka, along with a small army, but the main force remains
in Paaren.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Just to let y'all know, I'm back, and will resume controlling the Voinians.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Just to let y'all know, I'm back, and will resume controlling the Voinians.

Since you posted, and is obviously caught up to par on the story, I can attack the Voinains again. Redchigh turns on his cloak, and skips through Voinian uninhabited systems. Whenever he finds a lone supply ship, fighter, or Frigate, he engages it, and destroys it.The Voinians detect REDchigh's cloak a few times, but after they find him, REDchigh's always on his way out of the system. REDchigh keeps going through Voinian systems, looting fuel from supply ships whenever his fuel gets low. When He runs out of starlances, he heads home to Helios.
Voinian Losses:
4 Frigates
17 Interceptors
9 H. Fighters
12 Supply ships
(including 350 tons of luxury goods,
526 tons of Medical goods,
820 tons of food, and
210 tons of equipment.)

My and Paladin's Cloaking device is still being worked on, with steady contributions by the UE and "Donations" from selling Voinian Cargo. Not even close to being done though...

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

What kind of ship is the Topaz? Unless it is some very large ship I am not sure I agree with the attack on Vorik, for the following reason:
An arada , and a few UE Cruisers destroyed the whole fleet at Vorik. I didn't have anything special there, but it's one of the most important bases and therefore was very well defended
Also: I'm doubtful as to whether an Arada can do all the stuff that Red is doing. If nobody agrees with me, I'll drop my objection, but it just seems odd.


The Voinian fleet has now been fully refitted. Buckyball armor is standard, and virtually all Voinian ships have it. Most cruisers have been fitted with the latest Neutron turrets. The long process of putting shields learned from the Igadzra on Voinian ships is pretty much completed. This means that Voinian ships are now much more powerful than they were in EVO. They are still, unfortunately, quite slow, and Heavy Fighter Mk.2's are only deployed on about 1/4 to 1/3 of Voinian Cruisers at the moment.


<message, no encryption>
To: Paladin, UE
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(Your violation of our cease-fire has been a mistake. You had no reason to do this to us and there will be retaliation unless a formal apology is issued and the cease-fire is reinstated, which I think would be mutually benficial. The Voinians are not looking for war, but we will fight if we have to.)
<end message>


<message, Omega-13 encrypted>
To: RMA and Thunder, IA and Igadzra
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(As you may have heard, the dastardly and pitiful UE has violated the non-agression pact that they made with us. I am issuing a request to all who are allied with the Voinians to cease all friendly relations with the UE until further notice. The Voinians consider the UE to be an enemy, and if their allies choose to help in this unreasonable attack they will be enemies too. I entreat you to come to the aid of the Voinians and bring swift retaliation down upon the UE.)
<end message>


All Voinian ships are being ordered to fire on any non-Voinian or allied ship that enters our space. They are on the lookout for an Arada which has been raiding supply ships. All convoys are now being escorted heavily, with at least one railgun-equipped Minelayed escorting every convoy.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

Rima continues work on the pod shaped weapon.The Z.S.S. Marathon is finished.She puts everything she did on the Savior and added two extra Zuchra turrets.It had a humrugar fighter bay.Everything the Savior had.She put two Phase Rocket Launchers on Marathon and left enough room for The pod shaped weapon,all kinds.She names the pod shaped weapon Pagsha's.The pursuit missle type would be done in one week. She hears about what happened between the U.E. and voinians.She considers the situation and comes to the decsion that there probably better off this way.She begins work on the next ship the Z.S.S. Energy.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."


I'm doubtful as to whether an Arada can do all the stuff that Red is doing.

I used my superior mobility to make sure i always took on the ships one on one.
After which, I'd let my shields recharge, and go onto the next one.

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

I'm still not sure. You could have tried to take ships on one at a time, but ships don't always travel alone. For example, If you tried to take down a group of 2 frigates (escorting some freighters), and the frigates were right next to each other, even if you concentrated only on one ship you'd have to face fire from both. And you really think that the ships at Vorik were so stupid that they just let you single them out?
I guess you are correct if you're attacking one single ship or something. But Voinian convoys are well escorted, and stick together, so as not to be singled out and destroyed. You certainly couldn't have survived the combined forces of Vorik's defense fleet in an Arada.
I'm not just pissed 'cuz I lost a battle. If you had even fought me with forces equal to those of my own I would have accepted. But the attackers at Vorik would not have won due to the small-ness of their force and I am objecting to all this for realism's sake. However, I am not aware of what type of ship the Topaz is, so this could all be an incorrect assumption of mine.

Paladin- I'm not mad about you betraying me. It will, as you stated, make the game more fun. In the game, I am worried and concerned for the Voinians, but outside of the game I realize that this is an interesting development.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-07-2001).)

Battledoctor: Sorry to betray you, but we needed to make this more interesting.


With the cloak out of Paladin's hands (well, the research time) he begins to
construct the U.E.S Garland. Since Helios belongs to Redchigh, Paaren Station is
chosen to host the construction.

Work on the UE Aviariom is also getting along.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

Thunder recieves the message from the Voinians, and stand up. "I'm sorry, some important events have come up. I'm going to have to cut this conference short." The various visitors are escorted back to their ships.

Thunder sends a message to the Voinians.

Message to Battledoctor, Voinian, encryption sequence Phi-5<<

I have recieved your message about the traitorous UE activity. I will cease all diplomatic relations with them and their ships will no longer be welcome in Igadzra space.

End message<<

<<Message to Paladin, UE, encryption sequence Zeta-7>>

This message is to inform you that all diplomatic relations and scientific cooperation between the Igadzra and the UE are terminated because of your attack on our allies the Voinians. Your ships are no longer welcome in Igadzra space, and any and all trade between us will be ceased immediately.

-Thunder out

<<End message>>

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."

Hearing of Battledoctor's response to his raid, RED races to paaren and demands to talk to Paladin.
REDchigh spots him, grabs him from behind, and throws him into a closet to talk.
REDchigh "You Hired a me, and didn't tell me about the Voinian CEASE-FIRE!?"
Paladin "Well... um... I thought you knew..."
"How Could I know?! I just got Hired!
"Well you should've looked up on your background info."
REDchigh is, for once, Dumbstruck. Paladin leaves, and REDchigh just stays in the closet to think... I attacked an ally.... Caught them off guard!..... I started a war!.... i broke a cease-fire.... I killed innocent civilians...
REDchigh stays in the closet, and tries to think of what to do next...Whether he can keep working for a Govt the betrayed a treaty....

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

Battledoctor: You're right, of course. 🙂 The Topaz is just a standardly
upgraded Zidara. But Redchigh's Arada took me several posts to make, with almost
all work on it. It's good.


Paladin sighed. "How could he not have known? He was so happy about the prospect,
and I'd just told him about the Imperium Alliance being at peace with us, too."

"I don't know, sir." one admiral answered.

Paladin shook his head. "I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for him and all
the other UE military - and common people - who advised it. I can't lose the
respect of the people."

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

The Z.S.S. Topaz is a Zidara?
Due to this I think that the attack on Vorik should be rejected. An arada, a zidara, and 6 UE Cruisers could not have stood up to Vorik's defense fleet. They were outnubered, outgunned, and the Voinian fleet has been refitted so they are no longer lacking so much in shields. They would have been forced to retreat or be destroyed. I understand that Red's arada is heavily upgraded, but the attackers still would have been repelled from Vorik.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-07-2001).)

Okay, would Redchigh be kind enough to change it to say that most of my fleet
joined in the attack too?


Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

REDchigh finally leaves the closet.
He has decided what has to be done.
REDchigh boards his ship, goes the the Fringe of Voinian Space, andSends a private Message to BattleDoctor.
(Private message to: BattleDoctor)
<<Very Heavily Encrypted>>
I condole my greatest sympathies about the loss of the ships i destroyed. I truly did not know about the treaty, and since Paladin Lied to me, to get me to attack, I have decided to Betray him. I have removed the Cloak project from Helios, and I now offer all of the Independant planets except Helios to you as a peace offering. I will be glad to work for you.
What are my next orders?
{REDchigh, over and out.}

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Are you joking?
I can honestly not tell. My opinion is that the attack should be rejected, and we should all act as if it never happened. If you really want Vorik gone, just post another attack that involves a larger attack force. Just reject the old attack, and make a new one like the other one didn't exist.

Wait, forget all of that. Let's make it so that the attack on Vorik really did happen, and was a success due to a large fleet.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-07-2001).)


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**Are you joking?
I can honestly not tell. My opinion is that the attack should be rejected, and we should all act as if it never happened. If you really want Vorik gone, just post another attack that involves a larger attack force. Just reject the old attack, and make a new one like the other one didn't exist.

<<Private Message to BattleDoctor>>
(I am serious as can be. I do not wish to work for a government that would lie to their Agants. Will you hire me or not?)
{REDchigh over and out}

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

Rima finishes the missle like Pashga and equips all of the Zidkera with it.Next is the rocket type.The Z.S.S. Energy is going along schedule.She equips the other Zidkera with the Pashaga that's finished.She considers the Marathon.She remembers how he had once let her have the U.E.S. Paladin.The Marathon wasn't needed at the moment and sharing technology was part of what they did.Besides the ship needed to do something besides run around on little missions.She sends a message asking Paladin if he'd like to have the Z.S.S. Marathon for a while.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Oh, sorry Red, I was talking to Paladin in that quote.

Since Vorik was destroyed...

<message, Rho-2 encrypted>
To: REDCHIGH, Independant
From: BattleDoctor, Voinian
(Red, I agree that what the UE did was wrong. You are now welcome in our space, and we do hire you. Thank you for the Independant worlds, but I would like to keep them under your control. You work for me, so you can rule them in the best interests of the Voinians. I would like to give you a custom ship as a gift, but it would be appreciated if you brought your arada with you to Voinian space. It has many useful technologies on it :). Oh, and please specify what sort of ship you want for us to custom make for you.)
<end message>

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 04-07-2001).)