Reign of Chaos - Finale

------------------------------------REIGN OF CHAOS----------------------------------------
----------------------PRODUCED BY PALADIN, MODERATED BY PALADIN---------------------------
------------------------------------FINALE BY PALADIN-------------------------------------

As Zidagar was effortlessly crushed by a hue army of the rest of the galaxy, and the citizens of Zidagar itself throw up their arms in defeat, but the seat of the Zidagar command was strangely empty.

"Where is she?" Arada Pilot demanded, swearing. "Where's that Rima?" He asked again, pointing a phase rifle at one servant who'd been left behind. A Voinian was busy inserting sharp needles into his backside, and another was pulling the poor guys hair out. A third was holding a knife, and slashing it at the servant, each slash getting closer.

"She left on........." the servant moaned

"On?" Arada Pilot asked intently.

"Carno..............taur...." Just then the servant had a heart attack.

Arada Pilot began to swear. "I suppose I'll get to that conference Thunder and Battledoctor insist on holding in Rima's council chamber." he


Many important people gathered in the hall. Battledoctor of the Voinians, Arada Pilot of the Azdgari, Samurai of the Odine, Thunder of the Igadzra, RMA of the Imperium Alliance and Jade, the Azdgari mercenary who was also President of the Miranu. Also present was an official from the UE - all but in Voinian chains - and Paladin's trusted officer, Redchigh, who had betrayed Paladin in the end and sided with the Voinians, as well as many different representatives from minor races, and advisors for each of the major leaders. They all sat on one huge, long table made of some strange whitewood

"Where is Rima?" RMA demanded. "If she thinks she can run away from us she is greatly mistaken." RMA stood up as Arada Pilot entered late.

"That coward fled. On Carnotaur's ship." Arada Pilot groaned, his teeth chattering.

Many people began to swear, but Thunder and Battledoctor were calm. Battledoctor stood.

"We are here today to arrange the conditions for the surrender of the Zidagar people. But also, considering the newfound Voinian friendship with our Azdgari brothers, I also suggest that we comtemplate a galactic alliance, and the forming of a new united government, now that the treacherous Paladin is finally dead." Battledoctor, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, especially the UE representatives, who's eyes were filled with hate.

Almost everyone at the table was shocked by this. Only Thunder seemed unshaken - obviously he had convinced Battledoctor of the idea, as Thunder was well known for his diplomatic skills.

"I do believe that such an alliance would benefit us all, as without it the people of this galaxy would kill each other." One Zidagar official said, glad when he realised he might even survive the day.

"I don't see why." RMA muttered loud enough to be heard at the other side. "The Imperium Alliance holds the Azdgari in contempt, and the Odine are clearly invaders. I disagree with the idea of this alliance."

"I too, will fight it." Jade says, standing up from somewhere in the middle of the table. "I would not want the disgraceful Igadzra and honourless Zidagar to join with us."

"You call us disgraceful?" one Igadzra officer shouts. "You Azdgari kill innocent civilians, and run from a true fight!" General argument broke out between the Strands, and soon many Voinians were caught up in the argument too.

Thunder rose to his feet. "Quiet!" he shouts. "I will not see this turn into a mindless argument. Not after I have gone to so much work to organise it." Thunder gained the attention of the whole crowd. "You don't really have a choice - any of you. The greatest power the galaxy has ever seen is massed, and we are kind enough to offer galactic peace. Don't argue, any of you, because you are all disposable."

RMA and Jade were both shocked into silence. After a few seconds, both went into deep thought, and RMA whispered something to a nearby Imperium Alliance official.

Battledoctor continued. "As you all may know, Paladin sent the U.E.S Garland through the warp from which the Odine originated, with the intent to gather the power to come back some day and fight us. If that happens, we must be strong. Especially if Paladin's soldiers manage to steal some vessels belonging to the Odine's peers - I have heard from the Odine that there were many races out there stronger than them, and were in fact near extinction when they arrived here."

Samurai scowled at Arada Pilot, the only person on this galaxy he had told of that. Arada Pilot simply shrugged.

"Thus, we must combine our efforts to combat Paladin, whatever species follow him, and Carnotaur, when we pinpoint him." Battledoctor continued, and many other people had gained his full attention.

"Number one, all military vessels must be cleansed of there government marking and marked as 'Galactic Alliance Militia'." Battledoctor began, as of yet receiving no comments. "Number two, all governments must share their technologies and weapons, both those around now and those designed later." A number of people groaned at this. "Number three, no planet other than the capital must be over 40% populated by their original species unless the species is not compatable with the planet. Thus, each race will spread themselves across the galaxy." Most of the gathering were angry at this, and one shouted out, but was quickly shut up by Thunder. "Number four, all work on technologies and ships must be reported to everybody else. No major project may go about without any aid from other races." Everybody had been expecting that, but nobody complained.

"Number five," Thunder continued. "All military leaders will resign from their standard positions and take place on the Galactic Alliance Council." This created deadly silence - their was no uncertainty to where this was going now. "No ship must fire upon another ship within the alliance, and all ships, including freighters, must be redesigned under Galactic Alliance standards. Number six, no-one may refer to themselves as a 'Zidagar' or an 'Azdgari' unless they are either a) speaking in the past tense, or 🆒 talking about their species. Number seven, all acting military officers from any side are disbanded, and the alliance shall function with new officers and captains and have a council based system."

This created an uproar from officers all over the place. The armed guards had already been told that this didn't compromise their position, though, so they happily quietened everybody.

"The entire population will function through a council. A ship's crew may report to the High Council if they dislike a captain's way and have him disbanded. Slavery, or other derogatory work given to other species, is banned." At this last thing the Voinians began getting very angry.

Thunder leafed through many more papers in his hand. "There's more. If everybody is fine with everything so far, may I continue?"

No single person was "fine" with it all, but they had no choice. Four hours later, with only two short breaks, the alliance was signed by all leaders, including the president who had replaced Paladin, and the Galactic Alliance was off to a bad start.

Later on, many governments tried to go back on their word, and many attempts to assassinate Battledoctor and Thunder were attempted. Both were in full control, though, and nothing could stop them.


Seven years later, the alliance had taken full effect. The entire known galaxy was led by only one government - the Galactic Alliance. Using trickery of words the head of it was Thunder, with Battledoctor in second position, and although the Council organised most things, they mainly agreed with Thunder and Battledoctor one way or another.

Every system was colonised by people of every race, and the old ships of seven years ago had been dismantled or placed in museums. New ships now reigned as the militia force, a mighty force of over five thousand ships in all, every single one an incredible feat - the combining of
every government's ability.

In orbit of F-25 was Galactica Station, a huge station that was an advancement from the Citadel Class Stations that now covered half the known galaxy. Galactica Station was armed with some of the most ingenious weapons invented by the Galactic Alliance, and it stood, waiting for the rift to open once more and for the Garland to come back.

No place in the galaxy was unsafe, and true peace reigned.

Until the day came when the rift was opened once more........................


Thus ends Reign of Chaos.

Please look out for the sequel, which will begin once Apocalyptic Night has completed.

Feel free to make any suggestions, and understand that this finale is an early version
and may be changed the day it was posted (Monday) or the day after.

Reign of Chaos is now complete. Please give no continuation posts.

Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-09-2001).)

Since I was mentioned only once, I'll make a small ammendment to add on to the end:


Even though the Galactic Alliance reigned supreme, Carnotaur still was a mercenary. His ship was updated hundreds of times, and was still a match for most warships of the time period.

Then, one day, Carnotaur was sipping some Saalian Brandy when a mercenary entered the bar where Carno was. Sitting down at his table, Carnotaur recognized him as Captain Scorcher; a friend of Carnotaur's before the Galactic Alliance started. Carno hadn't heard from him in seven years.

"Scorcher! What are you doing here?"

Scorcher smiled his devious smile. "I've been hiding out and making a living as a pirate and mercenary. Here, these are 80 million credits."

"What for?" Carnotaur asked.

"For the new Mercenary Alliance, the one that you tried to make seven years ago, but was stalled by the Alliance. With this money, the money that you have, the ships that I have, and the ships that you have, we can slowly and secretly create our own government, and overthrow the Galactic Alliance! Once Paladin and Rima return, the GA (Galactic Alliance) will stand no chance! What do you say?"

Carnotaur looked at him for almost a minute. "Where's our new base gonna be?"

Scorcher smiled, and they both walked off to their ships to start their new government to destroy the GA.....


Great finale SilverDragon!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Carno, save that for the sequel....I'll join it, as I was gonna secede anyways.

Great job paladin.

Is the answer to this question 'no'?
Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

Very nice finale, though I never saw myself as the evil, manipulative emperor type; at least not outside of rooster's Shakra Uprising. 😉 Still, though it's not something I would have done had I been in control of my character, it makes a nice ending to the story, so I don't mind all that much.

Again, great job with the finale.

A hatch opened up and the aliens said,
"We're sorry to learn that you soon will be dead,
But though you may find this slightly macabre,
We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job."


Originally posted by Arada Pilot:
**Carno, save that for the sequel....I'll join it, as I was gonna secede anyways.

Great job paladin.

Don't worry, that was just the boring introduction for my grand plot for the sequel. I thought it would work better as part of the ending for Reign of Chaos.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Yeah, Thunder, but I don't think out of all these treaties you organise you'd
be nice with ALL of them.

Plus, you and Battledoctor would make good choices to control the Galactic
Alliance in the sequel. You're both well suited to the position.

The sequel will begin after Apocalyptic Night ends.

PS: Apoc. Night will be hosted at (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url).

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Great Finale.The Savior got away with Rima on it?To another galaxy?good.Savior had civilians since thats one purpose of it.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Thanks Rima! I sort of patched it together, but I remembered that the Z.S.S
Savior was designed for this sort of thing.

In the sequel I think you should come back with a stolen ship as big as mine. 🙂

Great webboard: (url="http://"")http://pub18.ezboard...radapilotsboard(/url)

Maybe I will.I can imagine it now.A huge ship of Zidgar colors suddenly appears in space.That would be cool.

I'm not dead yet.In fact I feel pretty good!"
I cut off your arm!""It's only a flesh wound!"
"Bless this holy hand grenade..."

Cool... I like it. Thunder and I at the head of the whole galaxy, united forever. I can't wait for the sequel.
Nice job, Paladin.

"...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer