Voinian Help

I defeated the Battlegroup in the Bakka system and now i am allowed to get a frigate. Where does the next mission start?



Originally posted by Ebonncito:
**I defeated the Battlegroup in the Bakka system and now i am allowed to get a frigate. Where does the next mission start?

Battle group mission isn't REALLY part of the string. you got the frigate? the next mission is up by Emalgha space. Northwest of Voianian space. I think the mission is in Fridion system

The difference in
insantiy and ingenious is
measured just by success.

do i need a better combat rating
because i went there and nothing happened.


Try trying more then once.


Originally posted by Ebonncito:
**do i need a better combat rating
because i went there and nothing happened.

You do need a pretty high combat rating to get that mission. I don't remember the specifics.... but, well... what I do is go out right after I get a semi-good ship and go on a disabling and looting spree. It gets me the money I need for a newer, better ship and gets me the combat rating I need to do all the missions.

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